Saturday, March 31

hancing gua kerna tipu.

i actually am quite honest when giving answers to most
questions, most of the times. but when the opportunity
comes to give an obscure answer (read: bluff), which sounds almost
as believeable as the real thing, obviously my horns pop
out and the 'nwr fhm' takes over.

usually it would take a few moments before the people
who asked, to 'get it'. their reactions differed and ranged
from enraged to laughing their asses off.

i recalled, on one occasion, being on the receiving end.
it's quite a sobering moment.


i was researching about life in australia, when i realised
a varsity mate had lived there with his wife for two years,
when they did their masters together.

he's quite a 'skema' guy, so i expected to get as much
info from 'im as possible. halal food, what to bring and
do's and don'ts. the whole shebang.

so i asked him,

'rizal, kat sana makanan halal banyak ka?'

'banyak, sana banyak orang islam'

'ya ka. betui ka nih?'

'hang jgn risau. kalau agak2 hang tak berapa konfiden
nak makan kat sana, hang cari daging kanggaru. kat
sana daging kanggaru halal'

'ya ka? hang biasa rasa? macam mana rasa dia?'

'sedap la. hang kalau nak rasa daging kanggaru, hang
ambik daging belah kantung dia. belah yang tu yg paling
sedap dalam semua-semua sekali'

'o ya ka'

after what seemed like a few milliseconds, i heard him


'hampeh rizal, hang goreng aku rupanya!'

'keh keh keh. dulu hg pekena aku tu apadia? hi hi hi'


everytime i recall this 'cemerkap' thing, i'd laugh. i have
to admit, i should've seen this coming.

so ladies and gents, the morals of this story: -

1. what goes around comes around.
2. always trust people.
3. be honest and just.
4. kalau jumpa tipah, kirim salam kat dia.

jaga lu, rizal!

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