Monday, March 26


i heard the news today.

one of my favourite person in Africa was
the manager there.

he was one of two managers who opened my
company's shop in Abesha. the hardships they
faced were legendary. it became anecdotes
when we had our dinners and lunches together.

he was the calm, composed one. the other
manager has his tempers flared up easily.

together, they faced the hardship of being
foreigners trying to present my company's
intentions and hopes for this country.

on saturday, he boarded a Cessna from the
drillsite, heading for the capital.

about 10km from arrival, the plane crashed.

two survived, out of three. he didn't make

he passed away.

i still didn't what happened and how it
happened, but when i heard the news, i feel

he was like a father figure to me.

i will certainly miss him. greatly.

inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'uun.

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