recently, i've got an excellent chance to play sports in one of the categories that
i really liked and haven't played in a long time.
i played sepak takraw for my company. damn, boy.
actually, i was quite nervous to play since it's been a long time. man, at least it
was four years ago. and the farthest i went was in high school, peringkat daerah.
it was quite an experience (although we lost).
but this time, it's different. last time i was the feeder. this time i was the tekong.
actually i was apprehensive about being in the squad cuz i know my skills in this
sport is quite basic and not as advanced as these 'lipat-gulung', 'servis-kuda' seniors.
but as i went through the training, i felt that i could take on these guys and actually we did beat some of them.
but we lost quite a lot, though.
i did have fun.
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