Monday, May 14

tepu dengan rona, tepu dengan kas-kas
(panang-paneng un saturazione a.k.a. la usurpadora)

traveling has taken its toll on my ride.

just a few weeks back, she had her shoes (tayar la)
replaced. it's been three years. i don't think she'd be
safe to drive with those old dubs.

thems set me back close to a grand. i parted with
the benjamins with sweating palms.

last week, the rear absorbers breathed their last breath
(duh..) and again we went to the 'tukang kereta'.

terap aku macam ni.

kbm's been a really reliable car. however, when i first
got together with kbm, the first impression was pretty
average.i remember on the first day, i found out that
the driver's door wouldn't shut properly and the boot
closure's alignment was way off.

way to go with proton.

yeah. we went to proton to sort it out. a few gremlins
appeared again after that. fender lining fell off.
windscreen cracks (which was not true. i was imagining things.)

now i think kbm's okay. or i'm simply just don't care.

or i've learnt to live with the imperfections. i think kbm's
taught me that important lesson. when the car was first
dented, i vaguely remember going berserk (keluar api).

yang paling lawak sekali kucing tidur atas kereta pun
kena marah. kih kih kih.

over the years (baru tiga tahun saja pun), i viewed the
dents and scratches as kbm's characters. it adds to
the overall personality. kalau dalam bahasa komik kira
belang tarung a.

now i don't even mind if there's a new scratch on the
car. basuh kereta pun dah jarang dah.

nasib baik kereta kaler itam.

but that's not the point.

the point being is, ultimately, a man, is the sum of all his flaws.

i found this somewhere, and i first poured over the meaning
because i want to disagree with it.

but, as surreal as it sounded, it does resonate with
whatever it is that's going through my mind.

a man is the sum of all his flaws.

a car is the sum of all its flaws.

i hope.

on another note, i suddenly found korean dramas
extremely addictive.

this is not good. not good at all. basically, the new-wave
of these rom-coms perfectly endear to my twisted taste
in things.

i'd like to buy the dvds but i almost shat myself when i saw
that it's rm80 for a 4-dvd box set. and it's here in
prangin mall. ingatkan kat penang murah. fuck.

apparently thems don't have any pirates in korea.
semua orang korea alim nih.

i guess i have to carve out my pound of flesh, don't i?

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