Tuesday, May 15

te-rima ka-seh che'gu!.

a few years back, i launched a tirade against a teacher
i didn't like.

i like most teachers, on the whole.

ustazah nurzuraida, she taught me arabic. she's

when SRP came, she asked me to take it as an
additional subject. in the nicest possible way.

i declined. i don't know. maybe i was just being an

being a good teacher, and possibly cus it wasn't
mandatory, she didn't push further.

now, when i think about it, i feel a sense of remorse.
like i wasn't fighting for the cause of arabs or something.


so, ustazah nurzuraida, selamat hari guru. mintak
maaf banyak banyak.

saya budak baru belajar.

kalau salah tulong lah tunjok-kan.

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