Friday, May 25

A Blessing from God.

Serius tak tipu. memang payah nak cari band
yang betui-betui sedap secara konsisten ni.

Memang payah.

Dah la QOTSA lambat lagi nak keluar 'era vulgaris'.

Tokojut aku time aku nampak 'era vulgaris'
kat feringgi haritu.

'serius ka ni?'.

berdebar-debar aku.

rm4 saja kan. aku pun grab la. mengalahkan
audiograbber plak (ops lawak nerd).

selepas bayar (for cd dan jugek DVD secara
pukal) terus aku berlari-lari anak ke kereta
seraya berkata dalam hati

'yes! yes!'

sejurus selepas meng-insert-kan cakera tuh
ke dalam player, aku pun tunggu-lah bunyi-
bunyian merdu....

the guitar came first.

and then a voice. unfamiliar.


i forwarded to the second track.

again. the guitar and the unfamiliar voice.

it's not QOTSA!

i literally went up in flames. fucking shit.

padan jugak muka aku. he he.

my point being, good things come to those
who wait.

i think i've done enough waiting, though.

kena tunggu lagi ka?

the reason i'm wri'ing this piece 'ere is
the band that is known as....jeng jeng jeng.

the killers.

(applaud, please)

i think they're the best thing that's happening
in the world of rock right now. i can't find
enough superlatives, to be honest.

I listen to their songs and they evoke all kinds
of emotions available in my body and mind.

rasa sedih, rasa teruja gila nak pi kerja,
rasa bergenang air mata teringat kisah lama
(ops.), rasa nak tumbuk stereng kereta. rasa
nak drop gear dan overtake kereta kat depan.

rasa senak perut dengan lenguh kaki pun ada.

(apparently the last two aren't exactly emotions.)

these bands are the reason i turn up the
volume in my car at 7am every morning on my
way to work.

i feel sad whenever i couldn't enjoy music,
whenever i feel kind of hollow as those
acoustics travel through my ear canal.

Are the killers the savior of rock? honestly,
i don't know this, honestly. (ops.)

I can't say that I do (ops lagi.).Just like
most aspects in my life.

This is what I know, though. They tread a
thin line between 80s' music and their unique
sound. And they're doing it great. Excellent,

I haven't even bought their original album


I think I might concentrate on music for a while.
Ambik sabbatical la dari menulis-mulis ni.

I have to heal something for a while.

I hope music works.

(disertakan do'a la, bro.)


Here's a few songs that resonated with me
ev'ry morning.


we all defend
the role we play

time’s come to send
you on your way

We’ve seen it all
bonfires of trust
flash floods of pain

It doesn’t really matter
don’t you worry it’ll all work out

No it doesn’t even matter
don’t you worry what it’s all about

We hope you enjoyed your stay
It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day

We hope you enjoyed your stay
Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away

It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day

It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day

Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away

It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day

It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day

Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away



Come with me.

We took a back road.
We’re gonna look at the stars.
We took a backroad in my car.
Down to the ocean,
it’s only water and sand
And in the ocean we’ll hold hands.

But I don’t really like you
apologetically dressed in the best
but on a heartbeat glide.

Without an answer,
the thunder speaks for the sky
and on the cold, wet dirt I cry
And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.

Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.

A cinematic vision ensued
like the holiest dream.
It’s someone’s calling?
An angel whispers my name,
but the message relayed is the same:

Wait till tomorrow,
you’ll be fine.

But it’s gone to the dogs in my mind.
I always hear them
when the dead of night
omes calling to save me from this fight.
But they can never wrong this right.

Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
Don’t you wanna swim with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural.

Never had a lover,
never had soul.
Never had a good time,
never got gold.

Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
Don’t you wanna swim with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural.

Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.

Come and take a swim with me.
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural


  1. Anonymous2:52 PM


  2. humm.. pekata u sent me this song ~ macam menarik.. memandangkn i ada track Ramlah Ram je kan (false confession~!!)..
