Friday, December 5

this few weeks, i've been keeping my postings short and simple because my pc
broke down and i can't type anything except at the cafe.and it cost plenty to sit
for plenty, that i've got the machine back (or the machine got me), i'd
put things in typing.

this raya celebration was not merry for me.i'm sort of jaded. maybe it's because
during ramadan i did nothing.maybe it's the same as last year, except i was busy
working i didn't notice.maybe it's because my cat died.maybe baby.ha ha.

it's cool because raya is suppose to be a month, right? adat orang johor tu.sebulan
raya ha....i got three cards this year. a major improvement from last year. nothing
shocking.i'd say this raya was probably the most relaxed. as i am.

in fact, i was so busy relaxing, i almost missed people i knew whizzing past me.
one's taking up a quasi-teaching profession. another one's getting hitched
(engaged). another one's considering leaving a job at a consultancy to join direct
selling ( ! ).one took up a supposedly 'challenging' job in key ell after complaining
that the job in kedah's no fun, and after a few days, desperate to quit because
the new job's more disappointing than the old one.

he should've seen that one coming.

perhaps i'd better pick up my pace.

hang on tight

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