Sunday, December 7

since i've started listening to music, and i didn't realize when i started doing so, i've
always paid no attention to the so-called "music genres". it made no difference to me
whether i'm listening to a "post-grunge-hardcore-orchestra-monkey-ass-jazz" or
"druids-dangdut", or other shit, as long as i like it, that's what mattered.

or so i think.

you know in awards and stuff, where they lump together nu-metal bands and rock
bands in the "rock" category, and the stupid "short-hair-bangers" actually win?
well, that pisses me off all the time.ALL THE TIME!

not all these "linkin park clones" are bad (by the way, linkin park sucks). i heard a
single from static-x, i don't know what's the title, and it kinda reminded me of some
the early Megadeth"s stuff. it's THAT good.

if there's one thing i realized from all these "clASSifications", it's that rock is really
dead. a few hours ago, i listened to soundgarden's "best of" compilation, and it is
really good (notice the present tense used). then, i watched MTV and saw
audioslave. i have to say, on the record, that buying the knock-off audioslave CD,
was the most wasteful way to spend RM5. i also saw Zack De La Rocha on the
Latin Awards, and he's lost the braids.
he looked like he was on Survivor.

yup. rock is dead. grunge's not too bad, but i think they're dead too. as dead as the
heavy/speed/thrash metal scene. i'm planning to buy early Megadeth albums and,
you know, be a fan. i'd like to know whether James made the mistake when he
kicked Dave out. he'd already made "st. anger", so, what the hell.

i've been blabbering about these "genres", it'd be nice to listen outside the circle of
my preference. a few weeks ago, i listened to this all-female trio from Indonesia.
i'm sure you've heard of 'em. they're called 'molluccas'. they were GREAT, man!
in fact, they were so great, i initially assumed that they were was after
my kid sister told me about them, i actually believed they came from there.

do you the origin of the name 'molluccas'? they derived it frome the 'Maluku'
archipelago. man, a great band with a great and profound name! i'm contemplating
buying their CD.

or i could get a ASDL modem and start downloading. hmm....


1. check out ASDL modem price
2. quit using quote unquote in blog postings.

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