Wednesday, October 15

i've just experienced 'animal world' live in my living room last night.

i have a cat which just hit puberty, i, he was kinda horny and always looking
for things to scratch and play. there's almost no lady cat around, so he was outta luck.
unfortunately for us, the dwellers of this residence, he began biting and scratching all
things in his sight.that includes the sofa, the carpet, the coffee table.the curtains,
newspapers,my legs,the prayer mats,my legs.

this cat's whack.

this house has another animal (and no, it's not me, although the girls do claim i am),
which is a frog, and it lives in the toilet. well, in the lavatory, to be precise. it's been
there for a long time, and quite frankly, i ignored it whenever i occupy the lot.every night,
this frog would come out from tho toilet and make the journey out of the house to do
some frog business (i've no idea what frog business means).

last night, as this frog was about to cross the living room, my cat noticed its presence.
the frog's been able to avoid being taken captive by the feline a couple of times, so i
figured it's just the usual encounter and it'd escape eventually.well, not this time.

within a few minutes i saw the frog being tossed into the air by the cat.he saw the frog
as a toy and i knew it's a matter of time before the grim reaper comes knocking on that
poor ugly frog's door.the friggin' frog received the usual combos from the cat (scratch,bite,
toss,kick,lick,bite,hit,pounce,bite again).

the natural response from the frog was to activate its defense mechanism, which is blowing
itself up to make it appear bigger and,well, fiercer. my cat didn't seem to mind the increment
in size.he kept on going.

this cat's whack.

to cut the story short, let me give give an example of what would happen if a blown-up
balloon is constantly prodded with a sharp object.


i woke up this morning, only to find the carcass of the frog on the welcome mat.

poor piece of shit.

that's not all.just wait until you've heard the story of the cat with the back neighbour's's hilarious.

this cat's whack.
i like him.

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