Saturday, October 11

i woke up feeling fresh as a,where were we? ah, yes.

after i got to komtar,we stopped by Bukit Jambul for some vcds and dvds.the place has
really filled out,'s very meriah. got a belt for my sagging pants.

that night we all (me,md ashim,wan,mat kog,jibam soksek) went to pelita sungai dua for
some nasi kandar.first time tu i went to USM campus to fetch jibam.peh, lawa gila USM.
lawa gila.lepak kat pelita kira sedap jugak a.banyak student.teringat zaman undergrad
dulu.layan roti nan + tandoori.wan open.

you'v been pau'd!

that night i couldn't sleep thinkin bout the interview the next morning.tidur bergolek golek.
last last pukui 5.30am dah bangun dah.lepak lepak sat.semayang n mandi.jibam bagi
tips kalau nak sampai awal kena bertolak awal gila gila sebab traffic memang hancus.
by 6.30am dah ready.salam dengan wan (masih meruah lena) pastu gerak ngan mad
hashim.dia nak balik SP.

the vibe in the car was full of 'battery' playing in the speaker.jalan pun tak
jam.sampai di komtar 7.15am.cipet jibam,awal sangat a sampai! nak breakfast pun tak
lalu, layan teh tarik.nasib baik ada parking, tapi bayar agak mahal.takpa a,sekali sekala.

from this point it started getting better.

at the interview venue, i found a lot of UTM alumnis.kenal jugak la sikit sikit.there was
9 candidates and i was was what you'd call an ordinary interview.

then i saw, dia pun pi interview jugak ka.

i'm not gonna waste words describing her so i'm just gonna quote a line from my good

'she has a face that launched a thousand flights'. <======= betui tak pon?

she and i was in the same faculty for 4 years, and yet we never talked.yeah, and she
had a boyfriend (speedbump) then.bila dah jumpa apa lagi, sembang maksimum.
memang lepas geram abih.she was 8th.i was kinda nervous to talk to her.she's still
got the right amount of everything.manis, bak kata orang tua tua.

towards the end of the session, she gave me her number and wished me luck and i
promised to call to let her know my results in a month.

it's just confusing, can you tell the difference between a girl who really wants
to, you know, and another who's really friendly?

i don't know man.i did SMS her, though.

some of you might ask;

"wei mi hang dok cerita pasai pompuan saja, interview macamana?"

ok la jugak.bleh tahan a.


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