Thursday, October 30

i've been running out of things to write lately, and i think it has something to do
with me cutting my hair very,very,very short. like less than half an inch long.

mcm keanu reeves dalam filem 'speed'

Wednesday, October 29

Monday, October 27

Wednesday, October 22

Tuesday, October 21 could i write something so personal and profound in a CC?
i don't care anyways.

so, to cut the long story to short, i went to see the director,she explained a lil bit bout the 'vacancy'.i asked for a day to think bout it.

and today i called her.

i said i didn't want to pursue the vacancy.

afterwards, i went to the cc to write this posting.


geli geli.

Friday, October 17

import tuner magazine, november 2003 just's got a free calendar.

va va voom.

Thursday, October 16

i've been updating my friendster profile and, you know, checking out my list of
testimonials when i noticed one thing.

different people have different views about me.

i have a mixed review.

is that a bad thing?

Wednesday, October 15

i've just experienced 'animal world' live in my living room last night.

i have a cat which just hit puberty, i, he was kinda horny and always looking
for things to scratch and play. there's almost no lady cat around, so he was outta luck.
unfortunately for us, the dwellers of this residence, he began biting and scratching all
things in his sight.that includes the sofa, the carpet, the coffee table.the curtains,
newspapers,my legs,the prayer mats,my legs.

this cat's whack.

this house has another animal (and no, it's not me, although the girls do claim i am),
which is a frog, and it lives in the toilet. well, in the lavatory, to be precise. it's been
there for a long time, and quite frankly, i ignored it whenever i occupy the lot.every night,
this frog would come out from tho toilet and make the journey out of the house to do
some frog business (i've no idea what frog business means).

last night, as this frog was about to cross the living room, my cat noticed its presence.
the frog's been able to avoid being taken captive by the feline a couple of times, so i
figured it's just the usual encounter and it'd escape eventually.well, not this time.

within a few minutes i saw the frog being tossed into the air by the cat.he saw the frog
as a toy and i knew it's a matter of time before the grim reaper comes knocking on that
poor ugly frog's door.the friggin' frog received the usual combos from the cat (scratch,bite,
toss,kick,lick,bite,hit,pounce,bite again).

the natural response from the frog was to activate its defense mechanism, which is blowing
itself up to make it appear bigger and,well, fiercer. my cat didn't seem to mind the increment
in size.he kept on going.

this cat's whack.

to cut the story short, let me give give an example of what would happen if a blown-up
balloon is constantly prodded with a sharp object.


i woke up this morning, only to find the carcass of the frog on the welcome mat.

poor piece of shit.

that's not all.just wait until you've heard the story of the cat with the back neighbour's's hilarious.

this cat's whack.
i like him.

Tuesday, October 14

i propose a new idiom for bahasa melayu:

jinak jinak biskut

maksud: nampak seperti mudah di'approach' tetapi jika tersilap langkah,musnah
dan tiada 'second chance'.

contoh: aku berkata kepada pon, "pon,aku tak sure a sama ada aku nak ayat minah tu
sebab dia macam jinak jinak biskut aa."

Monday, October 13

i've heard recently that a person returned her long-time friends' good graces with
nothing but nasty's very sad to see a person,especially a Malay,
behaving so un-Malay.

i believe the appropriate english equivalent would be 'diva'.

Saturday, October 11

i woke up feeling fresh as a,where were we? ah, yes.

after i got to komtar,we stopped by Bukit Jambul for some vcds and dvds.the place has
really filled out,'s very meriah. got a belt for my sagging pants.

that night we all (me,md ashim,wan,mat kog,jibam soksek) went to pelita sungai dua for
some nasi kandar.first time tu i went to USM campus to fetch jibam.peh, lawa gila USM.
lawa gila.lepak kat pelita kira sedap jugak a.banyak student.teringat zaman undergrad
dulu.layan roti nan + tandoori.wan open.

you'v been pau'd!

that night i couldn't sleep thinkin bout the interview the next morning.tidur bergolek golek.
last last pukui 5.30am dah bangun dah.lepak lepak sat.semayang n mandi.jibam bagi
tips kalau nak sampai awal kena bertolak awal gila gila sebab traffic memang hancus.
by 6.30am dah ready.salam dengan wan (masih meruah lena) pastu gerak ngan mad
hashim.dia nak balik SP.

the vibe in the car was full of 'battery' playing in the speaker.jalan pun tak
jam.sampai di komtar 7.15am.cipet jibam,awal sangat a sampai! nak breakfast pun tak
lalu, layan teh tarik.nasib baik ada parking, tapi bayar agak mahal.takpa a,sekali sekala.

from this point it started getting better.

at the interview venue, i found a lot of UTM alumnis.kenal jugak la sikit sikit.there was
9 candidates and i was was what you'd call an ordinary interview.

then i saw, dia pun pi interview jugak ka.

i'm not gonna waste words describing her so i'm just gonna quote a line from my good

'she has a face that launched a thousand flights'. <======= betui tak pon?

she and i was in the same faculty for 4 years, and yet we never talked.yeah, and she
had a boyfriend (speedbump) then.bila dah jumpa apa lagi, sembang maksimum.
memang lepas geram abih.she was 8th.i was kinda nervous to talk to her.she's still
got the right amount of everything.manis, bak kata orang tua tua.

towards the end of the session, she gave me her number and wished me luck and i
promised to call to let her know my results in a month.

it's just confusing, can you tell the difference between a girl who really wants
to, you know, and another who's really friendly?

i don't know man.i did SMS her, though.

some of you might ask;

"wei mi hang dok cerita pasai pompuan saja, interview macamana?"

ok la jugak.bleh tahan a.

::here's a short recap of what'd happened in the past two days::

went to penang and stayed at Wan FR's house.he stays with mel plus one.dia kerja kilang
dekat ngan rumah dia.kerja shift tak menentu,sat siang sat malam.mel outstation pi jepun.
typical rumah bujang.banyak dvd sampai bersepah-sepah.oh ya mamat tu dah pakai satria
convert gti.banyak duit tu.he's about to be pau'd!

pi rumah mad hashim plak.dia satu rumah ngan khursani.nak tumpang pahala.rumah serupa
apartment, ada pool ngan astro.peh.pastu try tengok tempat interview di komtar.bleh tahan

seriusli penat nak taip.bersambung esok.nak tengok italian job pas nih.

Wednesday, October 8

aku mesti patuh pada undang-undang
aku mesti jinak dan selamba
jangan merenung ke awan
aku mesti berada di tanah

seperti kelompok tikus-tikus
cinta kelihatan di matanya
bak bayi di tayangkan
bak malaikat di dalam sangkar

aku mesti suci dan hakiki
aku mesti tahan pendapatku

mesti ada sesuatu lagi
mesti ada sesuatu yang baik
nun jauh di sana

Bahasa Melayu can be fun campaign

the malay language is somewhat underrated,IMHO. people prefer to use English,for its
simplicity and,this is a rather important criterion to me, because English is always
evolving and growing.the dictionary's constantly updated, and you can see English
embracing whatever's happening, instead of being hostileand anti-everything.

Bahasa Melayu's main thing is its 'bunga', or as i call it, relies very much on the
undertone.but you can't use BM without adding the 'Melayu' flavour.Cakap
berkias/berlapik/whatever.this can be an advantage, or the exact opposite,
results may can sound sarcastic,ironic,arsenic.

well, maybe not arsenic.

i still have a hard time understanding songs written in English, especially ones that are full of
unrelated sentences.for example, i just found out that Hanson's 'Mmmbop',
which up until recently i thought was a happy song, was, in fact, a sad short, it's a
happy sad song.take another example, Metallica's 'disposable heroes'.when i
bought the album back in ' 94, i have no idea what these lines meant:

you will do what i say when i say
back to the front
you will die when i say you must die
back to the front
you coward
you servant
you blindman

it recently dawned on me: it's a lieutenant barking orders, shouting abuse at the lower ranks.
the whole song is about war and the soldiers, and their doomed fate.

here's another example for the curious to find out.listen to the song 'pain killer'
by Turin's a beautiful, figure out the'll understand what i mean.
the same goes for all janet jackson/shaggy songs. i wonder why her songs aren't banned
in Malaysia.

i've since begin appreciating the lyrics in can learn so much from songs,
consciously and subliminally.


Wednesday, 08 October, 2003, 4:02:00 PM

Tuesday, October 7

Friday, October 3

::'mie'-usic:: - (bad pun intended)

several days ago, i went to a mall with my sister to buy some groceries.on the way
to the car,we passed the electrics chance, i saw some cheap walkmans.
i never thought there'd be walkmans ever now.

it all brought back the memories of my encounters with music. i still remember my
first was red, and it cost about was probably in the late eighties.
RM30 was a lot of dough back then (i think it still is today).the player has no rewind
function,only fast forward (FF),so if you wanted to rewind the cassete, you'd have to
flip was a great walkman.i think i still have it somewhere in the house.i listened
to a lot of music on that gadget.back then,rock music was at its mightiest, so
naturally i listened to that a lot.i also listened to Paula Abdul (would you believe it?),
Ekamatra,Vanilla Ice,MCHammer,Elvis Presley,Shima,Aishah (it keeps getting better,
innit?),and can conclude that my taste was pretty eclectic. i also started
playing air guitar at that period. my late father had one of those record/LP player, and
it still exists today.even the records. i think it's broken, though. maybe i'd get it fixed
for old times' sake.just for giggles.

back in primary school,an original tape was about RM13.90, so saving up for music
wasn't so hard.piracy was still in infancy, and a pirated cassette was about
collection was a balanced mix of both.back then, i WAS a malay-music
know,buying mags,watching juara lagu (muzik2).i don't know what happened since.
maybe it's Eddie Hamid's fault.maybe the cheap pirated cds did it for me.

secondary school - this was where the music scene exploded for me, IMHO.i began
discovering other people's influences,buying guitar magazines,started playing guitars
in Form 3,and else.i discovered hiphop,metallica,nirvana,guns 'n roses,iron maiden,
bla bla bla.that was a pretty exciting time for me.i also started jamming with a couple
of friends.we pretty much played only metal music (no prize for guessing which group),
and soon i discovered that i sucked at playing i took up drums. i fared better.
i was also fascinated by the fact that some musicians resorted to taking drugs to
continue playing music. i don't see any correlation whatsoever, just a pathetic excuse.
their rock star life was cool,though.

my music taste in the next following years was stunted,mainly because there wasn't any
music worth listening, IMHO.i began listening to past catalogues of Jimi Hendrix,Led Zep.
that's about it.

music can be anything.researches have proved that a person can be miserable if he listens
repeatedly to Pearl Jam songs. i belt out songs on the ol' six-string when i'm depressed.
currently, i'm listening to System Of A Down's 2nd album.toxicity.all i can say is wow.
the vocal,the guitar parts,the drums,the bass,all solid.this one's a rare've got songs
with abrupt tempo changes,excellent drumming,unique voice,impossible-to-decipher lyrics,
ultra-low-tuned guitars that doesn't sound muddy.i still think my descriptions doesn't do it
justice, so find out portray it as 'armenian rock'.

i'm out of juice to write any more, so if you'll excuse me, i'm heading out to buy SOAD's
latest album (the local version, of course).

give it up for the music.

Wednesday, October 1

seriously not wanting to fall into the same pattern of living each day, i actually
went jogging's been a while, but i still managed to complete three head felt like exploding,but other than that,everything else was fine
and dandy.
i've been wondering why i've lived like i lived the past couple of months.why my
plans didn't work out.why after i've done everything i could and still..zilch.

then i remember the concept of 'pasrah'.