A Blessing from God.
Serius tak tipu. memang payah nak cari band
yang betui-betui sedap secara konsisten ni.
Memang payah.
Dah la QOTSA lambat lagi nak keluar 'era vulgaris'.
Tokojut aku time aku nampak 'era vulgaris'
kat feringgi haritu.
'serius ka ni?'.
berdebar-debar aku.
rm4 saja kan. aku pun grab la. mengalahkan
audiograbber plak (ops lawak nerd).
selepas bayar (for cd dan jugek DVD secara
pukal) terus aku berlari-lari anak ke kereta
seraya berkata dalam hati
'yes! yes!'
sejurus selepas meng-insert-kan cakera tuh
ke dalam player, aku pun tunggu-lah bunyi-
bunyian merdu....
the guitar came first.
and then a voice. unfamiliar.
i forwarded to the second track.
again. the guitar and the unfamiliar voice.
it's not QOTSA!
i literally went up in flames. fucking shit.
padan jugak muka aku. he he.
my point being, good things come to those
who wait.
i think i've done enough waiting, though.
kena tunggu lagi ka?
the reason i'm wri'ing this piece 'ere is
the band that is known as....jeng jeng jeng.
the killers.
(applaud, please)
i think they're the best thing that's happening
in the world of rock right now. i can't find
enough superlatives, to be honest.
I listen to their songs and they evoke all kinds
of emotions available in my body and mind.
rasa sedih, rasa teruja gila nak pi kerja,
rasa bergenang air mata teringat kisah lama
(ops.), rasa nak tumbuk stereng kereta. rasa
nak drop gear dan overtake kereta kat depan.
rasa senak perut dengan lenguh kaki pun ada.
(apparently the last two aren't exactly emotions.)
these bands are the reason i turn up the
volume in my car at 7am every morning on my
way to work.
i feel sad whenever i couldn't enjoy music,
whenever i feel kind of hollow as those
acoustics travel through my ear canal.
Are the killers the savior of rock? honestly,
i don't know this, honestly. (ops.)
I can't say that I do (ops lagi.).Just like
most aspects in my life.
This is what I know, though. They tread a
thin line between 80s' music and their unique
sound. And they're doing it great. Excellent,
I haven't even bought their original album
I think I might concentrate on music for a while.
Ambik sabbatical la dari menulis-mulis ni.
I have to heal something for a while.
I hope music works.
(disertakan do'a la, bro.)
Here's a few songs that resonated with me
ev'ry morning.
we all defend
the role we play
time’s come to send
you on your way
We’ve seen it all
bonfires of trust
flash floods of pain
It doesn’t really matter
don’t you worry it’ll all work out
No it doesn’t even matter
don’t you worry what it’s all about
We hope you enjoyed your stay
It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day
We hope you enjoyed your stay
Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away
It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day
It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day
Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away
It’s good to have you with us
Even if it’s just for the day
It’s good to have you with us
even if it’s just for the day
Outside the sun is shining
seems like heaven ain’t far away
Come with me.
We took a back road.
We’re gonna look at the stars.
We took a backroad in my car.
Down to the ocean,
it’s only water and sand
And in the ocean we’ll hold hands.
But I don’t really like you
apologetically dressed in the best
but on a heartbeat glide.
Without an answer,
the thunder speaks for the sky
and on the cold, wet dirt I cry
And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.
Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
A cinematic vision ensued
like the holiest dream.
It’s someone’s calling?
An angel whispers my name,
but the message relayed is the same:
“Wait till tomorrow,
you’ll be fine.”
But it’s gone to the dogs in my mind.
I always hear them
when the dead of night
omes calling to save me from this fight.
But they can never wrong this right.
Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
Don’t you wanna swim with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural.
Never had a lover,
never had soul.
Never had a good time,
never got gold.
Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
Don’t you wanna swim with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural.
Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones?
It’s only natural.
Come and take a swim with me.
Don’t you wanna feel my skin
on your skin?
It’s only natural
I'm so much older than I can take "I used to write from 2002-2008. Now I'm contemplating whether to start rambling again..(2020)"
Friday, May 25
Thursday, May 24
Monday, May 21
Thursday, May 17
Wednesday, May 16
Tuesday, May 15
te-rima ka-seh che'gu!.
a few years back, i launched a tirade against a teacher
i didn't like.
i like most teachers, on the whole.
ustazah nurzuraida, she taught me arabic. she's
when SRP came, she asked me to take it as an
additional subject. in the nicest possible way.
i declined. i don't know. maybe i was just being an
being a good teacher, and possibly cus it wasn't
mandatory, she didn't push further.
now, when i think about it, i feel a sense of remorse.
like i wasn't fighting for the cause of arabs or something.
so, ustazah nurzuraida, selamat hari guru. mintak
maaf banyak banyak.
saya budak baru belajar.
kalau salah tulong lah tunjok-kan.
Monday, May 14
me, my t5 and nasi dalca kapitan keling.
well, actually i had three other friends as well.
we ventured outside of komtar to get to the
supposedly 'legendary' nasi dalca kapitan keling.
of course, no one knew the shortest route there.
and, of course, we ended up near the jetty.
and little india (?), kedai mamak nama mustafa
kamal (?), and apa benda lagi ntah. last2 jumpa;
nasi dalca rahim (holy grail, aaaaa..)
taro nasik baek punya, pastu jalan2, sekali terjumpa
nasi dalca yang kitaorang aim nak pi tu.
rupa2nya silap kedai. panas gila.
untuk melayan hati yang syahdu, w'all (kat sapa aku cerita
ni, pelat semacam nih) layan la chinatown. layan jugak la
penang time malam. felong jugek a, bak kate orang muor.
pusing2 sampai berpeluh (habis air dalam badan tu) last2
sampai jugek komtar.
moral of the story: malu bertanya sesat jalan.

tepu dengan rona, tepu dengan kas-kas
(panang-paneng un saturazione a.k.a. la usurpadora)
traveling has taken its toll on my ride.
just a few weeks back, she had her shoes (tayar la)
replaced. it's been three years. i don't think she'd be
safe to drive with those old dubs.
thems set me back close to a grand. i parted with
the benjamins with sweating palms.
last week, the rear absorbers breathed their last breath
(duh..) and again we went to the 'tukang kereta'.
terap aku macam ni.
kbm's been a really reliable car. however, when i first
got together with kbm, the first impression was pretty
average.i remember on the first day, i found out that
the driver's door wouldn't shut properly and the boot
closure's alignment was way off.
way to go with proton.
yeah. we went to proton to sort it out. a few gremlins
appeared again after that. fender lining fell off.
windscreen cracks (which was not true. i was imagining things.)
now i think kbm's okay. or i'm simply just don't care.
or i've learnt to live with the imperfections. i think kbm's
taught me that important lesson. when the car was first
dented, i vaguely remember going berserk (keluar api).
yang paling lawak sekali kucing tidur atas kereta pun
kena marah. kih kih kih.
over the years (baru tiga tahun saja pun), i viewed the
dents and scratches as kbm's characters. it adds to
the overall personality. kalau dalam bahasa komik kira
belang tarung a.
now i don't even mind if there's a new scratch on the
car. basuh kereta pun dah jarang dah.
nasib baik kereta kaler itam.
but that's not the point.
the point being is, ultimately, a man, is the sum of all his flaws.
i found this somewhere, and i first poured over the meaning
because i want to disagree with it.
but, as surreal as it sounded, it does resonate with
whatever it is that's going through my mind.
a man is the sum of all his flaws.
a car is the sum of all its flaws.
i hope.
on another note, i suddenly found korean dramas
extremely addictive.
this is not good. not good at all. basically, the new-wave
of these rom-coms perfectly endear to my twisted taste
in things.
i'd like to buy the dvds but i almost shat myself when i saw
that it's rm80 for a 4-dvd box set. and it's here in
prangin mall. ingatkan kat penang murah. fuck.
apparently thems don't have any pirates in korea.
semua orang korea alim nih.
i guess i have to carve out my pound of flesh, don't i?
Friday, May 11
Vicinity of Obscenity
Liar Liar
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Do we all learn defeat
from the whores with bad feet
Beat the meat treat the feet
to the sweet milky seed
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? Liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Do we all learn defeat,
From the whores with bad feet
Beat the meat treat the feet
To the sweet milky seed
liar liar liar liar
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Liar Liar
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Do we all learn defeat
from the whores with bad feet
Beat the meat treat the feet
to the sweet milky seed
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Is there a perfect way to holding you baby? Liar
Vicinity of Obscenity in your eyes
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie Hey!
Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Do we all learn defeat,
From the whores with bad feet
Beat the meat treat the feet
To the sweet milky seed
liar liar liar liar
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
Banana Banana Banana Banana Terracotta Banana Terracotta Terracotta Pie!
mcD or kFc - pick a side (vicinity of obscenity)
lately, these kiosks have been springing
up like 'shrooms after the rain stops. in
effect, they reflect the fast food culture,
or sub-culture of what is know known as
'everything's-freaking-fast' nation nowadays.
i like kfc and mcD for a different reason,
albeit not related to the food they serve.
of course, the cuisine they serve is worthy
of mentioning.
No offense and i hope none's taken.
In my hometown, kfc came early. 'twas by the
stadium, and i think it was the first fast
food franchise to penetrate kedah. i know
for a fact that white castle also came, but
they couldn't handle the pressure (of kedah-uns
not buying their products) and it was a good
few years too before mcD came to town.
when me pops was still around, going to kfc
was considered a family outing. they had a
playground at the back for the kids, so it
was fun (aside from the eating) for me as a
kid to go to KFC.
yeah, the nostalgic factor was what kept
me glued to kfc 'till now. don't get me wrong,
nostalgic is great but it's not what makes
the benjamins roll in. i'm overcome with
sorrow whenever i see a kfc. it's a pale
shadow of what it used to be. they used
to have great gassy drinks, and now they
only got watered-down pepsis. the meals have
become more expensive. the combination of
piecemeals is rubbish. which is a shame.
but the original recipe is still as good as
ever. that's for sure. but i don't know for
how long, man.
mcD, in my opinion, has the food quality at
a slightly above average level, but everything
else, they got thems right.
which is why mcd now is the mcD that you see.
they made everything else great to mask the
fact that their product is average.
the other thing that made me not particularly
fond of mcD is an event that happened many
years ago.
i think it was before '90s. 'twas during my
family's excursions to kl that we found
ourselves in bangsar. there's a mcd there
(at the junction), so of course, as a kid,
i wanted the value meal (happy meal?) badly.
it was i think, priced at rm3.99 or rm2.99,
so me mum gave me the exact change for the
so off i went and ordered. when the meal
came, i duly put the cash at the counter.
then the clerk said,"rm4.19, adik."
i froze.
then i said,"tu tulis rm3.99?"
"ada tax dik. 5%".
an aunt nearby felt sorry for me (yeah, what
else is new?) and she gave 20 cents for me
to settle the bill.
it's a happy ending, but i learnt on that
day that there's a thing called taxes, and
it will bite you on your ass if you're
come to think of it, it's quite funny, innit?
lately, these kiosks have been springing
up like 'shrooms after the rain stops. in
effect, they reflect the fast food culture,
or sub-culture of what is know known as
'everything's-freaking-fast' nation nowadays.
i like kfc and mcD for a different reason,
albeit not related to the food they serve.
of course, the cuisine they serve is worthy
of mentioning.
No offense and i hope none's taken.
In my hometown, kfc came early. 'twas by the
stadium, and i think it was the first fast
food franchise to penetrate kedah. i know
for a fact that white castle also came, but
they couldn't handle the pressure (of kedah-uns
not buying their products) and it was a good
few years too before mcD came to town.
when me pops was still around, going to kfc
was considered a family outing. they had a
playground at the back for the kids, so it
was fun (aside from the eating) for me as a
kid to go to KFC.
yeah, the nostalgic factor was what kept
me glued to kfc 'till now. don't get me wrong,
nostalgic is great but it's not what makes
the benjamins roll in. i'm overcome with
sorrow whenever i see a kfc. it's a pale
shadow of what it used to be. they used
to have great gassy drinks, and now they
only got watered-down pepsis. the meals have
become more expensive. the combination of
piecemeals is rubbish. which is a shame.
but the original recipe is still as good as
ever. that's for sure. but i don't know for
how long, man.
mcD, in my opinion, has the food quality at
a slightly above average level, but everything
else, they got thems right.
which is why mcd now is the mcD that you see.
they made everything else great to mask the
fact that their product is average.
the other thing that made me not particularly
fond of mcD is an event that happened many
years ago.
i think it was before '90s. 'twas during my
family's excursions to kl that we found
ourselves in bangsar. there's a mcd there
(at the junction), so of course, as a kid,
i wanted the value meal (happy meal?) badly.
it was i think, priced at rm3.99 or rm2.99,
so me mum gave me the exact change for the
so off i went and ordered. when the meal
came, i duly put the cash at the counter.
then the clerk said,"rm4.19, adik."
i froze.
then i said,"tu tulis rm3.99?"
"ada tax dik. 5%".
an aunt nearby felt sorry for me (yeah, what
else is new?) and she gave 20 cents for me
to settle the bill.
it's a happy ending, but i learnt on that
day that there's a thing called taxes, and
it will bite you on your ass if you're
come to think of it, it's quite funny, innit?
Monday, May 7
i hope i didn't ruin these movies for y'all.
adam sandler is known for making comedies.
or so you may assume.
i did too. once. but i read somewhere on
a person's favorite sad movie, and she quoted
50 first dates.
and i thought, 'say what?'
i saw the flick and i didn't see anything to
be sad of, other than the fact that drew
had an accident, which caused her memory
so i sat down again and went through the
film again.
she was right. it's a very tragic movie.
thinly veiled as a happy gilmore feature.
the hero has to convince the girl to fall
in love with him. the next day, he has to do
it all over again. and again.
he basically put his plans on hold because
he wanted her so bad. when she found out
about this, she dumped him.
the particular scene i like is when they're
both out on the field and she asked him
why he liked her. or something to that
effect, i don't remember.
he answered that he liked her because she
like him even though he's a boring guy, and
she wouldn't remember. i'm not sure
if i phrased this right.
then she remarked 'it doesn't take a day
to figure out you're boring'.
keh keh keh. lahanat betui.
which brings us to the next flick: click.
it's about a father who missed a chance to
live life when he used a 'universal remote'
to fastforward the difficult bits. he found
out later he missed his father's death, estranged
his wife and his family.
yang paling aku tak suka sekali bila last-last
rupa-rupanya dia mimpi.
skil filem melayu. ceh.
anger management. hm.
basically a guy who couldn't express his love
for his girl.
what could be more tragic?
adam sandler is known for making comedies.
or so you may assume.
i did too. once. but i read somewhere on
a person's favorite sad movie, and she quoted
50 first dates.
and i thought, 'say what?'
i saw the flick and i didn't see anything to
be sad of, other than the fact that drew
had an accident, which caused her memory
so i sat down again and went through the
film again.
she was right. it's a very tragic movie.
thinly veiled as a happy gilmore feature.
the hero has to convince the girl to fall
in love with him. the next day, he has to do
it all over again. and again.
he basically put his plans on hold because
he wanted her so bad. when she found out
about this, she dumped him.
the particular scene i like is when they're
both out on the field and she asked him
why he liked her. or something to that
effect, i don't remember.
he answered that he liked her because she
like him even though he's a boring guy, and
she wouldn't remember. i'm not sure
if i phrased this right.
then she remarked 'it doesn't take a day
to figure out you're boring'.
keh keh keh. lahanat betui.
which brings us to the next flick: click.
it's about a father who missed a chance to
live life when he used a 'universal remote'
to fastforward the difficult bits. he found
out later he missed his father's death, estranged
his wife and his family.
yang paling aku tak suka sekali bila last-last
rupa-rupanya dia mimpi.
skil filem melayu. ceh.
anger management. hm.
basically a guy who couldn't express his love
for his girl.
what could be more tragic?
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