Wednesday, April 30

this post is to advertise one of my best friends' achievement in doing what he loves most,
which is drawing.

mohd ikhsan sazeli is now seriously involved in producing artwork for a magazine called 'ERA'.
the first issue will be out in 15th may, although it will be dated june.

show your support and get yourselves an issue each.

Sunday, April 27

:: for sale ::

swatch timepiece
leather straps
colour : brown + black
price : rm150 ono

dvd player (samsung)
only used turned out that my tv has no ntsc system
going for rm400 ono

yamaha accoustic guitar
4 months condition
going for rm250 ono

scanner.....5 months..sparsely used

anyone interested pls contact me at my mail

Saturday, April 26

what lasts about 4 to 5 minutes,and if it is good,it'll leave you wanting more?
clue: it's not sex.

answer: video clip

yep. i now, understand the power of video the past,i've always regarded them as a
pathetic way of listening (and watching) to also didn't help that most of the clips i've
seen are boring,dull (read:lack sexy women) but until recently, i've always thought that it was
only the music that mattered.

i was wrong, and boy, am i glad i was.

for example,take the funk/rock band, RHCP.their latest album was great, but i disagreed.i think
it's quite mellow, especially after what they displayed in 'californication'. when the first single
came out ('by the way'),i didn't listen to it often 'cuz it was kinda 'flat'.that was before i saw the
video the time i saw it the first time, i was hooked.when 'can't stop' came out, i knew
there must be an exciting clip somewhere.yup.

the clip was, and still is awesome.or should i say... 'shock-and-awe'-some.ha ha.

same thing can be said about this particular supergroup. nope,i'm not talking about audioslave,
although i hope that they could come out with a better second album, if they last long enough,
that is.

can you guess? well, here's the lyris to their latest song


I believe
I believe
I believe
I believe the love you talk about with me
is it true, do I care
honestly, you can try to wipe the memories aside
but it's you that you erase

'cause there's no place that I could be without you
it's too far to discard the life I once knew
honestly, all the weather storms are bringing
are just a picture of my dreams
'cause when I think of you as mine
and allow myself with time
to lead into the life we want
I feel loved, honestly
I feel loved, this honestly

I believe you mean the best that life can bring
I believe in it all
honestly, you can try
your heart is just as long as mine
is it ours to let go

'cause there's not place that I could be without you
it's too dark to discard the life I once knew
honestly, a single wrong is not enough
to cover up the pain in us
'cause when I think of you as mine
and allow myself with time
to lead into the life we want
I feel loved, honestly
I'll make a joke so you must laugh
I'll break your heart so you must ask
is this the way to get us back
I don't know, honestly
I don't know, this honestly

there's no place that I could be without you

there's no place that I could be without you
there's no place that I could gleam without you
there's no place that I could dream without you
there's no place that I could be without you

brilliant,brilliant song.

Sunday, April 20

there's a handing-over ceremony, so i have to work today.shit.still a lot to finish but the boss
still insisted to go on with the ceremony. all the officials came and commented on their parts.
this not finished lah,that thing have to do again the end,guess who got grilled?


Thursday, April 17

last night was particularly boring.wednesday night, whaddaya expect?i got bored,and in the
middle of finding some old stuff,i searched through an old drawer,which haven't been opened
in,well,quite a few years.there was a lot of trash (all drawers have trash),bills,envelopes,
greeting cards and all things you could fit into a drawer.i also found some stuff i thought i'd
lost for so many years,i thought i'd never see them again.

an A4-sized letterhead bearing dad's name and designation, and a few short forms that followed
after.a notebook with a few scribblings,probably some of his calculations on mineral properties.
his writing was terrible,but i managed to read it.actually,it was kind of weird looking at all these
stuff because i could understand what he was writing,yet i wouldn't be able to understand him.
it's like what they say,right?you can't have your cake and eat it too.yeah,well..........

another finding that took me by surprise was two letters from my (half) brother to my was
dated back in bro was 12 or 13 then.he had been writing,telling my dad he'd taken one
of those MRSM intake tests and he hoped that he'd be admitted.he also said that he was
terrible in maths and he expressed his gratitude for the cheques that my dad kept sending him.
i know there must be more than two letters for my dad,but i think it's lost somewhere.
i know my dad loved my bro.i don't know for real if the feeling is mutual.
maybe i'll ask him one day.

there was also stuff from my teenage years (bunyi macam dah tua ja).letters,cards,photos,
giftwrappers,mainly from the opposite sex.what a discovery,man! i mean,gila jiwang time tuh!
i gagged a few times (who wouldn't?),but most of the time, i had to stop myself from laughing
like a madman.those stuff brought back some sweet/forgettable/painful/haunting memories.

there were these letters from a girl (i'm not going to waste my time typing 'a person') from a
neighbouring boarding school.we were,like,pen pals (not the right term,yes?)and constantly
corresponding throughout 1995-98.we were quite civil, with phrases like "hope you're doing
well","jgn nakal nakal",and other shit often appeared in the letters.we've lost contact since varsity.

i remembered a period when i was getting all arty and stuff, and i started sketching and writing
offensive stuff (discreetly,of course) in a little notepad, but i never showed any of that shit to
anybody.then,after a few days,when i had the urge to draw again,and reached for the pad,i
found some writings in pencil, commenting on my very own critic! i never knew who
she was (or do i? he he), but i guess she could sense a troubled mind from miles away,
let alone just a few metres. to mystery-critic, i stillam a troubled person,and i don't think
i'd be free from be honest,i found your handwriting's awfully similiar to a friend of mine.

another set of letters from....hmmm...yep,uh-huh.....i'd like to call it a "failed attempt".
that's too much information.moving on........

i was glad i found these writings, it's been a while since i'd reminisce about the past.
the present's not too colourful,'s what they call "adult life".

ha ha ha.

Wednesday, April 16

Thursday, April 10

SARS freaks me out, man......i'm having headaches.

Tuesday, April 8

today has to be the shittiest day by so far.
got up early and ready for work, only to discover my RG had a flat tyre.
arrived late for work in my mom's car
work piled up until 3pm and when it's time to go to lunch, guess what?
i lost my keys to the car.had to go back home to fetch spare keys.
it was a 20km journey.

well, it's not all bad.skipped work early to scout for sunglasses,olympus
cameras.found some good deals.
the local store also had good deals on 29" tvs, home theatre systems,
and dvds.what can i say?money certainly can't buy happiness, but they
(and by they i mean a shitload of fuluus) can buy you the things that can
make you happy.

la la la la la...

Monday, April 7

jennifer esposito,natalie imbruglia,kylie minogue, be continued.

Sunday, April 6

i hereby declare dangdut is dead.

long live boy bands.

Saturday, April 5

i don't know what's wrong with me today, but i've been breaking wind all day was funny
in the beginning, but now it's just embarrassing.....where did all those gas come from?must be
all the coke/100plus i drank earlier..sheeesh...

Thursday, April 3

patricia richardson,eliza dushku,majandra delfino,nasha aziz,matsu takako,isabella rosellini,
ryoko hirosue,elizabeth hurley,nicole kidman,helen hunt,shiri appleby,heather graham,
jenna elfman,naomi watts,wynona ryder,leelee sobieski,katie be continued.

Wednesday, April 2

a few years ago, while i was discussing the subject of teenagers (about us, of course) with a
close friend, the person said, "in my opinion, as long as you're still studying, you are still a

it's been a while, and the last time i heard, that person's still in the varsity. i guess that counts.


there was this girl at FKA. she was tiny.she wore braces.from the look on her faces, you'd
never guess she had athma.she had many friends in the faculty, but i never really knew her.

recently, she came down with high fever.usually, one would recover fully from a fever, but this
girl had athma.

she passed away this morning.her name is norjuhana.

marilah kita bersama-sama menyedekahkan surah al-Fatihah dan berdo'a agar ruhnya
ditempatkan bersama ruh-ruh orang yang beriman.


Tuesday, April 1

i believe (mcm biasa dengar saja intro ni) that the coolest thing to do is doing something
you really long as it's legal, one don't have to give two shits about other people's
opinion.some people like to jam.some like to be alone.some like to be with close friends.

what'd be really cool for me to do is to get into a car (bila nak beli ni, siol betullah) with my
cd collection (not very extensive, but enough) and drive all day/night long, music blaring from
the speakers.singing along, playing air drums on the steering wheel, miming like a...mime..

not so cool lah, but definitely cooler than Mat Kool.