I'm No Superman
I'm so much older than I can take "I used to write from 2002-2008. Now I'm contemplating whether to start rambling again..(2020)"
FahmiI hope you are doing well and in good health. we are ok here althoiugh, Tok's demise is affecting all of us. We are going through the natural process of griefTell me about your work, friends and other things happening in your place now. subzero!LoveMak Teh
4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
Last night, actually. Thanks for asking.
5. The last song you listen to?
Oh Lately It's So Quiet - OK GO
6. What are you doing right now besides this?
Gmail, Wikipedia, review Planning Package, breathing, doing butt clenches.
Both cheeks. Impressive, huh?
7. What name you prefer besides yours?
I like the name 'Proximo', a character in 'Gladiator'.
Other than that, any name spelt using Cyrillic character immediately gets my vote.
8. People to tag Yap, Sal, Ila, James, Some
9. Who is no.1
I jam with this guy and a few others every now and then. Wicked bass skills, this guy.
10. No.3 is having relationship with?
Me (pandai aku susun).
11. Say something about no.5
Baru hilang teruna Sabtu lepas. A few times, I think.
12. How about no.4?
Dah enam ratus kali dia tukar kerja. Gaji dia sekarang enam juta.
13. Who is no.2 She's responsible for me and No. 3.