Thursday, March 20


I had the habit of waking up early lately.
Being unable to sleep soundly, amongst all.

So, on the way to work, I'd stop a bit for
breakfast and got some newspaper to read.

It so happened that one day I arrived too early
and no newspaper I liked was around, so I bought
a copy of Metro and left it on the back seat of my car
after I finished.

Yesterday, as I prepared to get out of office with my
colleague at 8pm, leaving for KL, she saw the paper
and casually remarked,

"Eh Fahmi, sejak bile you bace Metro?"

"Takde, haritu I cari Star takde kan, so I beli je la
paper mane yang ade."

"Waa, Fahmi bace Metro laa."

Strange. Hmm.

Today, it happened again.

My housemate saw it when we were going for lunch.

"Biaq betui Mi, hang baca Metro? Gha gha gha."

I don't know if I should tell the reason or not to.

In the end, I laughed together with him.

I have to admit, I don't get it.

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