Tuesday, November 27



I'm supposed to be returning to KL this friday. Actually I
can stay for another 3 weeks before I wore out my

But I heard thru the grapevine that I won't be long in KL.
It looks like I'll be shipped off to another location.


*scratching head*

It's been a good run in WA, I think. Yeah, it's a good place
to work (typical Asian get-rich fantasy) and also have a
kind of balanced family upbringing.

I've been to a few migrants' houses in WA, a few of them
Malaysian, lots of 'em Singaporean. It's nice to have a chat
with them, I'm even grateful they've invited me to their
homes and lavished me with meals.

Talking to them, you'd get a sense that to them, moving
around is a constant. They'd tell you stories about their
heydays in Sydney, Melbourne, and how things have changed
over the last 15 years. And, even at their relatively advanced
age, there's even a plan to move to Arab Emirates!


Being a "nomad" me-self, I'm quite impressed by the fact that
you can have your cake and you can eat it too, in a sense.

You could earn a better living overseas, and you can still have
a normal-ish family-bond, relatives and all those other similar
upbringing to the country that you'd left behind.

A big-up for these people who made the hijrah.

I guess it never stops, does it?

Nevertheless, different people make different decisions.

And I'd like to think I'm no different.

Does it make any difference?

*scratching head*

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