Thursday, November 29


We had a farewell dinner last night, a farewell to the two of
us. It's pretty awkward, actually to have a farewell and still
come in to work today.

We went to a Thai restaurant, and as usual, everybody
was chatty. Everyone was a bit (understated) boisterous. We
discussed what our further plans, whether they'll join us in
Kiyanly, and what their trip to Lumut was like.

As usual, I'm very lucky when it comes to seating arrangement.

And by lucky I meant I got to sit besides and opposite fine ladies.

(Punching the air)

Yeah, I had a great time chatting about everything under the
Australian sun. Plus, I got to exchange opinions with the favourite
staff (yep, that whom I danced with). Her accent was funny.
Everybody kept tricking her into saying 'potato' which, when she
said it, sounded more like 'po-tar-toe'.

Of course, she already knew. She never said it.

Her accent is very sexy.

As the night went on, I realised that of all the people sitting on that
table, I was probably the dullest.

Or 2nd most. There was another Malaysian there.

Yeah well, I already knew that a long time ago (before time was

But having the fact suddenly dawn on you, well that's another thing.

Let's get back to the story.

Clearly, the dinner had wine. Everyone was holding their drinks well,
except for this one new guy, who's quite a show-off even when he's
sober, and that night clearly he's had too much.

I don't like to judge people when they're drunk because that's what
alcohol does, it frees your inhibitions.

He kept ranting on and on about smoking "mary jane", playing music,
cheaper branded clothings in Jakarta, structural analysis. And he's
gesturing, flailing his arms, pointing his fingers at everybody.

I know he's indirectly promoting himself, but hey you already got
the job man.

Well, I don't think this would end well.

The conversation began well, but the drunk progressively dominated.

"What can go wrong will go wrong, with the most number of people watching."

As this guy was telling a story. Well, it was more like yelling to get the
point across, and what looked to me like his arms need to mimic a helicopter's
rotor blade.

And his hand knocked a glass full of wine.

Guess where the wine winded up?

No, not me. The girl with the accent took most of it. She was wearing
a white shirt with a grey skirt.

(I'm describing what she wore?)

I was drenched on the right side. She took most of the liquid.

The drunk kept apoligising, and clearly she was annoyed, and
the atmosphere turned sour.

It was an awkward moment. The drunk tried to jumpstart the
conversation, but everyone was already in the mindset of going

As we said our goodbyes, and as I was walking towards home,
I thought,

"This is a good dinner, it ended up not to my liking, but
how I can put a positive spin to it?"

An unforgettable incident involving me, a girl, and alcohol.

Just like the movies, but without the sub-titles.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


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