Thursday, November 29


We had a farewell dinner last night, a farewell to the two of
us. It's pretty awkward, actually to have a farewell and still
come in to work today.

We went to a Thai restaurant, and as usual, everybody
was chatty. Everyone was a bit (understated) boisterous. We
discussed what our further plans, whether they'll join us in
Kiyanly, and what their trip to Lumut was like.

As usual, I'm very lucky when it comes to seating arrangement.

And by lucky I meant I got to sit besides and opposite fine ladies.

(Punching the air)

Yeah, I had a great time chatting about everything under the
Australian sun. Plus, I got to exchange opinions with the favourite
staff (yep, that whom I danced with). Her accent was funny.
Everybody kept tricking her into saying 'potato' which, when she
said it, sounded more like 'po-tar-toe'.

Of course, she already knew. She never said it.

Her accent is very sexy.

As the night went on, I realised that of all the people sitting on that
table, I was probably the dullest.

Or 2nd most. There was another Malaysian there.

Yeah well, I already knew that a long time ago (before time was

But having the fact suddenly dawn on you, well that's another thing.

Let's get back to the story.

Clearly, the dinner had wine. Everyone was holding their drinks well,
except for this one new guy, who's quite a show-off even when he's
sober, and that night clearly he's had too much.

I don't like to judge people when they're drunk because that's what
alcohol does, it frees your inhibitions.

He kept ranting on and on about smoking "mary jane", playing music,
cheaper branded clothings in Jakarta, structural analysis. And he's
gesturing, flailing his arms, pointing his fingers at everybody.

I know he's indirectly promoting himself, but hey you already got
the job man.

Well, I don't think this would end well.

The conversation began well, but the drunk progressively dominated.

"What can go wrong will go wrong, with the most number of people watching."

As this guy was telling a story. Well, it was more like yelling to get the
point across, and what looked to me like his arms need to mimic a helicopter's
rotor blade.

And his hand knocked a glass full of wine.

Guess where the wine winded up?

No, not me. The girl with the accent took most of it. She was wearing
a white shirt with a grey skirt.

(I'm describing what she wore?)

I was drenched on the right side. She took most of the liquid.

The drunk kept apoligising, and clearly she was annoyed, and
the atmosphere turned sour.

It was an awkward moment. The drunk tried to jumpstart the
conversation, but everyone was already in the mindset of going

As we said our goodbyes, and as I was walking towards home,
I thought,

"This is a good dinner, it ended up not to my liking, but
how I can put a positive spin to it?"

An unforgettable incident involving me, a girl, and alcohol.

Just like the movies, but without the sub-titles.

I wouldn't have it any other way.


Tuesday, November 27



I'm supposed to be returning to KL this friday. Actually I
can stay for another 3 weeks before I wore out my

But I heard thru the grapevine that I won't be long in KL.
It looks like I'll be shipped off to another location.


*scratching head*

It's been a good run in WA, I think. Yeah, it's a good place
to work (typical Asian get-rich fantasy) and also have a
kind of balanced family upbringing.

I've been to a few migrants' houses in WA, a few of them
Malaysian, lots of 'em Singaporean. It's nice to have a chat
with them, I'm even grateful they've invited me to their
homes and lavished me with meals.

Talking to them, you'd get a sense that to them, moving
around is a constant. They'd tell you stories about their
heydays in Sydney, Melbourne, and how things have changed
over the last 15 years. And, even at their relatively advanced
age, there's even a plan to move to Arab Emirates!


Being a "nomad" me-self, I'm quite impressed by the fact that
you can have your cake and you can eat it too, in a sense.

You could earn a better living overseas, and you can still have
a normal-ish family-bond, relatives and all those other similar
upbringing to the country that you'd left behind.

A big-up for these people who made the hijrah.

I guess it never stops, does it?

Nevertheless, different people make different decisions.

And I'd like to think I'm no different.

Does it make any difference?

*scratching head*

Monday, November 26

It's polite to say "excuse me" when you burp.

Is it also polite to say "excuse me" when you fart? (silently)

Tuesday, November 20


This forest is growing faster than I can tell
Cell structure eats away at a massive swell
Seems however I'm a victim of circumstance
Hunt for ogres and dwarfs
Lion slicer

Run with death
Run with death

White faces coming closer with every step
Earth envelopes taking breath without happenstance
Carve my teeth out ripping through the sheep's head curse
Hunter gatherer
Ridden from the cave

Run with death
Run with death

Gone away
My heart's gone away
Taking everything
My heart's gone away
Take it now
Hunt for ogres and dwarfs
Lion slicer

Run with death
Run with death

Gone away
My heart's gone away
Taking everything
My heart's gone away
Take it now

Monday, November 19

Give A Man A Fish, He'll Be Fed For A Day.

How 'bout bringing him to a fish tank instead?

Wednesday, November 14

I Miss The Comfort Of Being Sad.

Start the day with asking your colleague,

"How ya going?"

Share a joke or an anecdote, even some things
that you saw last night.

Laugh. Some oxygen will reach your brain.

Most importantly, make a cup of coffee.

Palm the outside of the mug for warmth.

You can turn on the computer now.

Monday, November 12

It's Getting Hot In Here.
(a.k.a. Semakin Panas La, Di Sini)

40 degrees Celcius. Phew!

Just for once I'd like to meet this Celcius
guy and beat him up.

I know it's not his fault, but everyone's
boiling up and short-fused nowadays,
I don't think it matters anymore.

It gets even worse when you change the
environment from hot to cold, and a few
minutes later.. BAM!

You have a migraine.

Anyone who has experienced migraines would
reluctantly agree that migraine is a bitch.

Is it the other way round?

No disrespect to "bey-hot-ches" out there. It's
just a figure of speech.


I actually imagined I was in hell.

Well, at least it's good practice.


Sunday, November 11

Fire Drill.

12.30am was the first.

Effing ear-piercing. I actually believed there
was an actual fire spreading in one of the apartments.

All the inhabitants had to evacuate, downstairs, while
clubbers from nearby walked past, curious what the hell
was going on.

Hm. baguih jugek. Boleh cuci mata.

Fire marshalls came and verified it was alright.

Then, at 5am, there was another alarm.

I ignored it, thinking it'd be easier to be burnt in my sleep.

Friday, November 9

Of Mice And Men.

The secretary mailed us some facts
about anagram, a form of word play.

It's where you re-arrange the letters to form
another sentence.

But the challenge is to form sentences that
actually comment on the original subject.


Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
A Decimal Point = I'm a Dot in Place

I tried it with my name, as Jim Morrison
did, and he came up with Mr Mojo Risin'.

I came up with "Mr. Na'if Hawa".

I should've seen that one coming...

Thursday, November 8


Timbun baju atas kain.
Bundle kain, ikat kat hujung kayu.
Tanggung kayu atas bahu.
Angkat ibu jari kat tepi jalan.
Harap-harap ada kenderaan bagi tumpang.

Jeuh nih!

Tuesday, November 6


Believe it or not, the underlyings of a good story or a feature is
almost always love.

And me writing about love would almost always make people's
eyes roll.

Take a good film and dissect it.

Take out all the fancy CGIs.

The excellent soundtracks.

A brilliant cast wouldn't hurt, but still, it's secondary.

You'd eventually find 'lurv ' (cue throwing up).

The Office (US). Sure, Carell's as demented as a guy on the
devil's dandruff, and the ever loyal Dwight.

Ultimately it's about Pam and Jim.

Are they doomed? Can they be saved?

Scrubs? Self-explanatory.

Spinal Tap? A bit obscure, but still.

Click? I've quoted this, but on a whole different level, yeah.

Futurama? I initially didn't think so, but after a while, it grew a bit.


Transformers: The Movie? robots have emotion, or it's just some crazy robot thing?

I don't know.

Saturday, November 3

Friday, November 2


Somehow, a friend's comments triggered my memory.

Don't point at a rainbow.

Your finger might suddenly get amputated.

It's of dubious origin, yet it still evoked unreasonable
fear when we were young.

Crazy pork.