Saturday, March 6

well, i'm back. i can't believe i made it to dubai and back. even my sister didn't believe
i went to dubai.....sucker!....ha ha ha....

let's's there to tell?.......

that is a very tough question. don't ask that question ever to anyone going somewhere.

i'll ask myself an easier question.

what's not in dubai?

answer: two arabs......two: taxes..................seriously.

dubai has a population of roughly 10 million, and about 20% is made up of locals.
the other 80 is made up of caucasians, indians. pakistanis, filipinos, indonesians,
malaysian, and so on. so, you see less of the arabs and more of the non arabs.

a pretty ironic trip, huh?

anything that you couldn't understand in dubai, you will as soon as you relate them
to the demographic fact above.

i'll save my time and yours by jotting the facts in point form.....

1. the cars there are damn cheap.
2. so's the gas.
3. the local call is free of charge.
4. the standard of living is higher than malaysia.(that's why i'm considering going there)
5. the currency is dirham and the exchange rate is almost the same (RM 1 = AED 0.92)
6. there are hardly any motorbikes there (refer to no. 1 for cause)
7. the crime is almost non-existent.
8. the weather's......phenomenal.
9. there're only 11 working months in a year.
10. and that's not including the whole ramadan off from work.
11. i have a shitload of facts here, but i'm too tired.

i'll continue next time.

ma'assalamah. (ce ce....dah setat cakap arab....he he...)

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