Saturday, August 9

recently, i've been hit with several heavy doses of boredom. found out i've got nothing
left to do in my 'spare', i decided to go mental, and reinvent a couple of things.

i got myself a decent wireless mouse from was going for cheap,anyway.
about rm48.all included.batteries,extension usb cable,batteries,rf receiver, converter.
i figured, what the heck right?the installation was pretty effortless.and you apparently
don't need to install anything if you're using windows xp.that's good.everything was a-ok
until it came to using the mouse itself. i found no problem with the connection whatsoever,
but i was bugged by how uncomfortable it was using any mouse other than logitech',
out went the new mouse, in with the old.then,i surfed to logitech's website and updated
my driver.and it was the best thing to do.(at least, it was better than buying a new mouse)

while i was on the 'net, i tried to find some audio-ripping programs, cuz my cd was getting
many (malas nak construct ayat betul) and i figured i'd better fill up those spaces in the
hard disk.everyone was rambling about how good audiograbber is, but i beg to
was shit.after a brief visit to, i found this neat program,"Easy CD-DA
extractor".i greatly recommend this program to all of you out's easy and it's
definitely gonna rip EVERY cd that you want to rip.i even managed to rip tracks off
'st anger'.as of now, i am listening to about 10 cd's worth of music.i'm pretty sure i'll
hurl anytime now.

what else?oh yeah, i tidied up my room.took some pictures using a webcam.i finally
listened to 'elephant'.good.could be better.


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