Tuesday, April 8

today has to be the shittiest day by so far.
got up early and ready for work, only to discover my RG had a flat tyre.
arrived late for work in my mom's car
work piled up until 3pm and when it's time to go to lunch, guess what?
i lost my keys to the car.had to go back home to fetch spare keys.
it was a 20km journey.

well, it's not all bad.skipped work early to scout for sunglasses,olympus
cameras.found some good deals.
the local store also had good deals on 29" tvs, home theatre systems,
and dvds.what can i say?money certainly can't buy happiness, but they
(and by they i mean a shitload of fuluus) can buy you the things that can
make you happy.

la la la...la la la...la la la...

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