Friday, September 26


Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.

Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.

Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.

Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


So I read some's blog, and I haven't read them in a while.

Apparently second wave of tag is coming, where you tell 7even facts about yourself, and
you tag others and let them know.

And then I read Yap's blog, and the guy freakin' tagged me!
(I'm honored actually, broseph)

I'm actually not very active in the blogging arena anymore (no reason to be, innit?) so,
I guess a good reason would be to participate in these 'viral' thingies.

So, here goes. (drumroll, please)

Fact number one:
I don't really buy stuff for myself. Also, I don't like to accumulate debt. So If I like something,
I use my credit card to buy it and settle the credit immediately. Crazy, innit?

Fact number two:
I'm really punctual. There have been instances where I left a friend who came late. I don't mind
if you're late, as long as you tell me ahead.

Fact number three:
I recently discovered that I hate the phrase 'comfort zone'. I don't know why, it makes my skin
crawl and make me want to punch something. Please, for the love of god, kill this abomination
that's known as, you know, 'c*****t z**e'. Fuck.

Fact number four:
I'm notoriously lazy. When you see me working, it's mostly machinations and trick lighting.
I'm kidding. But I wanna stress that I'm lazy (as if that's not enough)

Fact number five:
I'm usually clueless when it comes to girls. In fact, I froze whenever I encounter beautiful girls.
I'm not exactly single right now (I'd like to think I'm in the middle of something), but it's my Achilles' Heel.
I'd rather go to Iraq than woo a girl.

Fact number six:
I still don't know what 'angka bererti' meant.

Fact number seven:
I usually show tough love to the ones I love.

It's twisted, I know.

So. Seven people?

1. Some
2. Yap
3. Salhana?
4. James Fadzri MCKK?
5. Nina?
6. Hana?
7. Barack Obama

Yea, that's right.

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