Tuesday, October 25

ya know, when it comes to the end of ramadan,
i always get misty-eyed.

it seems that this month has a penchant for
bringing out the melancholic streak in some
freaks. or normal guys n gals.

no discrimination here.

it is true that you can never do what you
did in ramadan. i, for example, would never
puasa on a 'sunat' basis. i'm not that
strong. if it's wajib, i'll do it. if it's
not, no sir..three bags full.

yes, it's a challenge to wake up and eat and
then go back to sleep again. it's hard not
to when you still got 1,2 hours of darkness
and you're groggy...and bloated, for that
matter...now, i do not subscribe to the
whole 'sahur' thing anymore. i'd just munch
on a biscuit and down a glass of water, and
i'm good for the day. what i really do is
i'd eat at 11pm until i'm full...well, full
is really stretching the truth as i'd just
eat as what a normal skinny guy would.

i just eat at 11pm.

it's kind of hard since you tend to munch
everything except for the kitchen sink as
soon as the azan is heard.

i just consume bubur lambuk.

with telur masin.

and some papaddams.

and anchovies.

my intestines are really having a vacation
in this ramadan.

you'll be working overtime soon, punks !!!

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