Tuesday, January 11

i can't seem to get any sleep tonight. so here i am writing a post, just to get some
peace of mind.

a friend's father passed away early yesterday. i woke up late, reading a text message
informing me of the sad news. i woke up at 11am and quickly got ready to ziarah.
it was a sad day for him and the family, obviously. and he was somewhat disoriented.

later that afternoon, i found myself among others attending the burial, shortly after the
asar prayers.the weather was good, and it went well. it has been a long time since i
attended a 'pengkebumian'. it is strange how you feel somewhat subdued, when you
heard the speech, or talqin given by the imam shortly after the last piece of earth is
put into place.

' wahai si fulan binti ibunya , apabila datang malaikat kepada kamu, dan bertanya ia
ma rabbuka ? ma imaamuka ?..........'

how close we are to death, and the only thing real in life is death itself. how lonely we
are when all the people who attended the burial slowly disperse, leaving us in solitude
and waiting for the angel to arrive.

i left a little bit early, just when he's about to pour air mawar upon his father's grave.
i think that if i'd stay longer, tears would just come down, for this is too sad
an event.

May Allah bless his soul, Amiin.....

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