Tuesday, June 8

it's been a very tiring weekend, and i've never been more excited about my work than
ever. it's a bit taxing on the body, however. i'm completely bushed by the time i arrive
at home at 5pm. i can't help but sleep it off immediately.

structural design is not what i expect to do when i started working two years ago. i was
still unsure about it when i accepted my friend's offer to ease his workload. now, i'm
thrilled at the prospect of receiving an architectural plan and walking the path of
'design-dom' (doesn't possess the same ring, ain't it?). of course, boredom might set in
sometime in the future, but now i'm not worried because i've got enough work to prevent
me from thinking too much.

i've done two structural designs: a wet market and an assembly hall. it's not actually
groundbreaking, but i'm getting there. no problem.

while i'm on the subject of problem, i just returned from an afternoon 'drink' with friends
and while i'm on the way home, i waited for my turn at the nearby traffic light. all the while
i was waiting for the green light, my mind wandered as i thought about my problems and
i couldn't help but feel 'serabut' about certain things (i tend to be over-analytic).

as the light turned green for the oncoming traffic, i saw something that sobered me up
pretty good. real good.

among all the other oncoming motorists, there was this pakcik pushing his tricycle
( i think he sells ice cream), and he's pushing pretty hard to get it in motion.

it's 7.45pm and he's just finished with his work. from his expression, i think he's very

wow. and here i am, obsessing about my petty problems and all.....hmm.

i should be grateful.


- i'm taking the PTD test tomorrow, so widh me luck.
- it's june and there're lots of b'days in this month.
- petaling street.

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