Tuesday, April 27

about ten years ago, i made a mistake. i only realised it recently, and i think it's kind of too late
to go back. well, i might as well 'fess up and move on.

the mistake :

I LISTENED TO METALLICA AND GOT HOOKED BY THEM. i mistook them for the 'heavy metal'
champions and foolishly justified every move they made, veering off course from the original
path of 'metaldom'. only now do i realize that they suck. big time.

what i should've done :


that's what i'm doing now. wish me luck.

it's been so long since i've been this excited about a band, even if it's since disbanded.


Sunday, April 25


The tides of change pulled us apart
I feel a familiar pain
It seems like years since we’ve loved
Or even liked and that’s a lonely way to be
Drifting alone in a sea of agony
Your face I can’t recognize
Don’t make this hard on us
I will miss you if you just go away
I did no right you did no wrong
Nothing left but wasted days
I regret you leaving
But I will never take you back
You know what? it’s over
I just don’t feel the same way as I used to
We’ve been together forever, but it’s over
Goodbye 1000 times goodbye
The thought never crossed my mind
That this would be my last goodbye
Let me put pennies on your eyes
And kiss your lips one last goodbye
My love 1000 times goodbye
It seems nothing good is free
A good thing cost much more than the price
You were good but not that good
Don’t kid yourself now it’s time to beak up
Drifting alone in a sea of agony
Your face I can’t recognize
Don’t make this hard on us
I will miss you if you just go away
I did no right you did no wrong
Nothing left but wasted days
I regret you leaving
But I’ll never take you back
Don’t call me anymore. it’s just not¡­
I don’t feel the same way about you
Its not as good as it used to be
Goodbye 1000 times goodbye
The thought never crossed my mind
That this would be my last goodbye
Let me put pennies on your eyes
And kiss your lips one last goodbye
My love 1000 times goodbye
I’ll always love you but just not like that
Like what?
I want to be honest with you I met someone else
You did what?
And I really, I really love him like I used to love you
Remember the time that I told you that
I was going out of town for business?
Well I went to see him
You know what? you suck!
Goodbye 1000 times
You’ll always have a special place
In my heart you know that
It’s just I can’t be with you anymore it’s over
Goodbye 1000 times
Things may not work out with him
Goodbye 1000 times
And if they don’t
Goodbye 1000 times
Then I’ll certainly call you
Goodbye 1000 times
You mean a lot to me
I still really want to be friends with you
I love you like you’re my brother


Two hearts that shouldn’t
Talk to each other become close
In a town much like a prison cell
People speak our names
On the street in hushed tones
Oh the stories they’d tell
If anyone would listen
You come from a town where
People don’t bother saying hello
Unless somebody’s born or dies
And I come from a place where they
Drag your hopes through the mud
Because their own dreams are all dying
And when we walk down the street
The wind sings our name in rebel songs
The sounds of the night should make us anxious
But it’s much to late when the fear is gone
I will meet you in the next life, I promise you
Where we can be together, I promise you
I will wait till then in heaven, I promise you
I promise, I promise
There’s so many fighting
To get past the pearly gates
But nobody ever wants to die or get saved
Their intentions aren’t that good
And I can smell the asphalt
That’s their personal road to hell being paved
And when we walk down the street
The wind sings our name in rebel songs
But it’s much to late when the fear is gone
I will meet you in the next life, I promise you
Where we can be together, I promise you
I will wait till then in heaven, I promise you
I promise, I promise
I will meet you in the next life, I promise you
Where we can be together, I promise you
I will wait till then in heaven, I promise you
I promise, I promise


Behind closed doors all you live for is taking
That double life of yours has left your whole world shaking
Who are you fooling? I know you hear the laughter
Don’t you hear people talking? what is it that your after?
Turn off your conscience
Leave the world outside
Nothing at all can ever make you feel
That anything’s so real so you just - disconnect
The key to save yourself if for nothing else
A tongue can never hold the truth of silence is golden
With a broken heart underneath all of the pain
Do you stroke the pretty scars? the hurt never ends
Turn off your conscience
Leave the world outside
Nothing at all can ever make you feel
That anything’s so real so you just - disconnect
Turn off your conscience
Leave the world outside
Nothing at all can ever make you feel
That anything’s so real so you just - disconnect
Turn off your conscience
Leave the world outside
Nothing at all can ever make you feel
That anything’s so real so you just - disconnect


Welcome to an empty fortress
A mighty wreck that once was proud
Ate alive by oxidation
Abandoned by a crew of cowards
Navigation systems failed
Computers crashed and they all fall down
Possibly I’ve seen too much
Hangar 18 I know too much
All the guilty paid the price
Suspended by their broken necks
No one survived to tell the story
When foreign life forms resurrect
And military intelligence is
Still two words that can’t make sense
Possibly I’ve seen too much
Hangar 18 I know too much

Wednesday, April 21

i hope i'm not gonna gross people out by this post. i'm sure they will be.

there are simple pleasures in life that some, or most take for granted. i myself don't have many
pleasantries, pleasure or luxuries, so my preferences may look pretty lame, as opposed to some
others might prefer such as shopping, taking long walks on the beach, aromatic therapy bath
(man, o man), so on so forth. but hey, it's up to everyone, right?

one of the most gratifying things i could probably include is sneezing. tell me truth, don't it feel
good to sneeze, after your nose's been itchy, and you've been anticipating? i like to
sneeze (of course, it's involuntary reaction to dust), but i like it best when i sneeze LOUDLY, and
with such force that anyone nearby would be startled, and look at you with disgust, as if you're
a streaker.some say that sneezing is way better than the big 'o'...if you know what i mean.
however, sadly, i couldn't verify that...........yet.

i'd include taking a dump/deposit in the bank of nature/thelovebelow next. man, you have to be
a worm not to include this.remember the pain you have when you're holding the dragon in?man,
it hurts like hell! i remember in some occasions, the grumble in my belly was so bad, that i
started having involuntary spasms. feh....atfer you're finished, you'd go.."aaaahhh....".
you know it.

and the third would be driving (in a car, of course) in the night, on empty road, listening to your
favourite band on the ol' in-car-entertainment unit. i don't need to elaborate more on this, man.
it's self-explanatory.

there you have it. the list was gonna be longer, but i'm bored of typing.

Friday, April 16

theytold meyouweregone
onedayyoullwalkalone.......................addictedtochaos,youthanasia, megadeth1994.

Sunday, April 11

gila pak arab itu!

unta yg dicat utk charity

nak masuk kena bayar dong! gak bisa !

my unc
yeah. i did it. i got me an online album, represent!
you can visit either at

oldwallet.fotopages.com - this is pretty simple stuff

if any of you want to visit the more extensive collection, go to photobucket,
type oldwallet and use this particulars.

username : oldwallet
password : 6 letters (short form for sek men sains sultan mohd jiwa)

Saturday, April 10

i wonder what would life be if james hetfield didn't throw dave mustaine out
of the band in the '80s?

Thursday, April 8

hear me
and if i close my mind in fear
please pry it open
see me
and if my face become sincere
hold me
and when i start to come undone
stitch me together
see me
and if you see me strut
remind me of what left this outlaw torn