Sunday, June 22


it's been a while,and now i feel like this one's gonna be fucking long.get
your ganj out.he he he......

in about a week or so,i'm gonna be out of a job.a dud.some friends who knew about
this were surprised when they found out i haven't secured a new job yet.apparently,
their idea of quitting a job is to get a better (paying) job.right,fellas.i'm not quite happy
with my current post right now,whereas my decisions as an engineer are not respected
enough.i know i'm a rookie and all,but you have to learn to make count of what you
learned in your respective varsities.i decided to bail out.that's not the main reason,
though.actually,my job's not that mind-blowing.if you take a look at me at work,you'd
think i was the site supervisor.yup.all those years at Skudai,and here i am,running
here and there,ordering stuff,coordinating shit.believe me you,any dude can do this,
it's just that they need someone with a degree.
sure,the job pays well,i'm living with the family and all that "save" factors thrown in,
but is that it?is that all there is?i decided i'd take a break for a know?chill.
travel a little bit,go stir a few things up (he he he),blow mad cash,...well,not exactly
mad cash.more like mad shillings (nanti kena pau mampus aku siol).

the job's not all bad,though.there's the money.not exactly "weighing down your wallet"
but i'm not a heavy spender either.i could buy stuff i only dreamed of when i was younger,
even when i was in me a cool pair of headphones,cable TV,DVD player (which
i later sold because my TV's technology was too obsolete),upgraded my PC,got a pretty
nifty camera (non-digital),and a few things can buy anything when you got
the dosh.what got me pissed,though,was that i could afford to buy car magazines,but
not a car.ha ha ha.very cruel.seriously.

a word of caution,though: money can't buy you happiness.this is serious shit,man.
you'd feel empty inside,and no amount of money could fill that void....................well,
except any amount more than a million euros.

i hadn't exactly plan what i'd do next.maybe i'd find another job elsewhere.i'm kinda
contemplating furthering my studies,for a's just that i feel lost.where's the map?
ha ha.

i also found out two of my high school friends are about to go overseas.yup.go for it,
dude+dudette.i know i would.jangan masuk the sun mukasurat tiga,udah.....

what really matters is you should be doing something that makes you really,really,really
happy.notice that i used 'really' three's not typo,man.this is important shit and on
a lot of occasions,i tend to forget this one crucial thing.

happiness is what really matters.


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