Wednesday, January 30

That's like, wow!

Up until a couple of years ago, I always thought
that the phrase 'heavy metal' only referred to
the genre of music that I used to like.

I was surprised when I found out it also meant
'logam berat', as in a subset of the 'Jadual Berkala'.
(ala, belajar time Kimia dulu tu)

To me, the phrase is rather redundant.


Tuesday, January 29

I Left My Heart In Places, Forgot Every One of Their Faces.

Looks like January and February are going to be unexpectedly
miserable sets of thirty days for me.

No outlook yet for March, but I'm certainly looking forward
to April.

Or May.

Monday, January 28

It's us, us, us and them.

There are days when you laugh so hard, so hard
that your head becomes light, and a feeling of
pleasure kicks in, all the knots in your back and
neck seems to just melt away.

There are also days, when you just chuckle a bit,
and you end up with a migraine. And a strained

Sunday, January 27

Darling, won't you ease my worried mind?

A cow walked into a jewellery shop and asked
the owner,

"You got any grass?"
"No, sorry"
"Okay" and it walked out.

The next day, the cow again went into the shop
and asked the same question, and got the same

This went on for the next couple of days, until the
owner, cracking under pressure and threatened
the cow as it came into store,

"If you ask about the grass again, I'll tie you up
and slit your throat!"

The cow ran away, and didn't return for a couple
of weeks. The owner went about his usual ways.

One day, the same cow came into the shop and
asked the owner,

"You got any ropes?"
"Okay, you got any knives?"
"Err, no"
"Okay......................................You got any grass?"

Saturday, January 26


I haven't really noticed before, up until today, just
when I was about to go to work.


I guess it's love after numerous sights.

Congrats, Masha.
Horoscope horoscope horoscope.

What's the outlook today?

Friday, January 25

Serabut Lagi.

Memang berghenjah-ghenjah.

What a can that was opened.

Wednesday, January 23

There's Something Missing, I Left It In The Duty Free.

I'm a bit surprised by what you wrote.

But I guess you have some things to say.

The same goes for me too.

Is it a conflict of interest of some sort?

Am I that distant?

Saturday, January 19

Being boring and elusive "has served me really well".

Friday, January 18

The Bitter Taste Of Rain.
(Final Instalment In The Rain Trilogy)

It turns out water can get into your gearbox.

But the solution need not be the intervention of a
mechanic. You just have to wait it out for a day or two.

I was quite embarassed to find the car in running
condition, so I went to the garage anyways, and changed
the gearbox oil.

Total damage? RM25.


I arrived at site around 11.30am, the engineering meeting
just about to end.


Wednesday, January 16

The Bitter Taste Of Rain (Part Two).

I tried for two days to get my car to move,
to no avail.

This morning, I gave up (pagi2 lagi dah give up)
and went out to find a mechanic.

Arriving, I opened the bonnet, the guy starting the
car and engaging the gears.

"Boleh je, bang?"


Tuesday, January 15

The Bitter Taste Of Rain.

I left early yesterday for home, and mid-way
the rain came down quite heavily.

There was one section that had been cut off, the
flood was about two feet.

Being the 'Rambo', I went thru the road, and got
away with it albeit the car felt a bit sluggish.

I didn't think more about it until this morning,
when I tried to start the car.

It was fine, but I couldn't get it into 1st gear, even
after so many attempts.

Luckily, I got a lift to work, but I regretted doing
what I did.