Monday, January 30

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it is monday.
it is chinese new year in malaysia.
but not in addis ababa. nope.....
so i thought -
'yes, i'll go to the office since the entertainment's there'
as i was preparing to go, the movie channel began one
of, strangely to say, the best love movies (not porn, aa!)
that had ever been mad.
'the notebook'.
starring rachel macadams and ryan gosling.
it is rare to find a good movie these days, and even more
so to find one which has excellent chemistry between the
she's good, that rachel girl.
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i lurv rachel macadams.

Saturday, January 28

it is 5.30pm in addis ababa and i'm currently depressed.
and no, i'm not on any painkillers or any malaria tablets.
or any shit for that matter.

it's the weekends, and i should be at the site to check the

anyways, work aside, i decided to let off some steam and
come to addis just to chill, veg, carrot, or broccoli.

hey, my sense of humour's still here !


i have to return to Gambella to review the progress done,
and frankly i'm fucking tired.

and right now in malaysia, everyone's having their week

hey, somebody's gotta work, right?

so, i find myself on a saturday, in office, seriously striving
to avoid acute boredom, and logging on to circles99, friendster,
updating my blog (hey).....

this is really pathetic.

fuck it.
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actually it has been quite a while since i'd written some lengthy posts.
i've been occupied.
or occupied by the illusion that i'm occupied. he....
well, i've been in ethiopia so long i actually like living here.
in some ways, it's because it's a simple, simple life.
back in the days, ya?

Monday, January 16

Thursday, January 12

Monday, January 2