Monday, December 18

it's a chilling fact that to me, the most interesting and
relevant Malay song is, in fact, not sung by a Malay.

These three guys made quite an impact on the music
scene back then. I won't go into details 'cuz I know

Try to get a hold of this track. Try to listen to the way
he vocalizes the lyrics.

You could almost hear the quiet desperation.

I'm currently looping the track on my Samsung MP3.

Listening to it is cathartic. Soothing.


Kenny Remy Martin (Kenny Tay / Habsah Hassan)

Suratan Atau Kebetulan

Sesuatu yang tak disangka
Seringkali mendatangi kita
Itukah suratan dalam kehidupan
Atau hanya satu kebetulan

Kita asyik membicarakan
Persoalan hidup dan pilihan
Sedang kejujuran semakin berkurang
Masih tiada bertemu jawapan

Walau kita dihadapkan
Dengan berbagai pilihan
Mengapa sering terjadi
Pilihan tak menepati

Hingga amat menakutkan
Menghadapi masa depan
Seolah telah terhapus
Sebuah kehidupan yang kudus

Pertemuan sekali ini
Bagi diriku amat bererti
Tetapi ku bimbang untuk menyatakan
Bimbangkan berulang kesilapan

Thursday, December 14

i'll be back in ethiopia for 1-2 months by next monday.

i would probably spend christmas, my b'day and raya haji there.
as usual....alone (tak biasa plak ek?)

new year's approaching. another number to the age. another
notch added to the bedpost. NOT !! he he....:)

i was reading a friend's blog just now, and i browsed thru some
links and i found out this really great blog. friend of a friend.
it was really a great blog. the way the post was written.
it's like a good telenovela.
which made me realize...

actually, my blog has no other theme other than darkness,
despair, stuck-in-the-past, self-righteous, stuck-up, love-bashing,
reminiscing, low-self-esteem, ethiopia, etc....

i have other things to include in the adjectives, but my vocab is
less impressive than an ethiopian babboon.

do i change for the new year?

or do i stick with what works?
should i move on,

or stop dead in the tracks of an incoming train?

should i increase the distance between me and the ones that
i love?

or call them up and say 'i love you'?

anyways, happy new year 2007. don't let me ruin your mood.

i insist.






for everything uncertain in life, use the credit card.
for everything else, go to ethiopia.

Thursday, December 7

i think this is the first post
using wifi.

in alor star.

oh, i can see the pigs flying.

Saturday, December 2

well, i made it back to kl.

i think my luggage didn't.

in the plane, i saw 'john tucker must die'.

and in one scene, tucker gave the girl (kate)
his watch and said 'i'm whipped'.

i recalled sweet memories involving watches
and a girl....


maybe it'll wash away.
all those yesterday....s.

there's no time for escape.

ops lupa. another set of pics.

i guess i have a fetish for unfocused shots.

and close ups.

and clouds/sunset/sunrise.

and pictures that look amateur-ish.

i guess i should change my cam, huh?

whoops, gotta go. subuh's running out.

i lurv Gambela. it's a simple haven.
full of simple citizens. like me.

Wednesday, November 15

Tuesday, November 14

i'm sitting in the bussiness lounge,
surfing wifi, sipping lemon tea,
eating spring chicken and waiting
for the 'wing.

is this my dream?

i won't be writing in a while.
i doubt anyone'll notice.



Monday, November 13

don't consume malaria tablets unless
it's really necessary.


Wednesday, November 8

in approximately one week, i will be
travelling to ethiopia.

balik kampung raya.

i am kind of eager to travel there,
since it is beautiful there (although
some might disagree). but the thing is,
it's kind of isolated there. you know.

i know this might sound 'corn'-ey, but
you're fine if you feel alone, but not
if you're feeling lonely.

it's true, you know. i was there last
year for a whole month, and i had a
smittering of the whole 'alone/lonely',
and i gotta tell you,.....

it tugs at your heart, you know. for
example, me, the cold-hearted guy. i felt
some sorrow for being such a distance
from my loved ones.

i think it gets worse once you're

i guess.

but that's another subject.

Tuesday, November 7

last weekend was the most shittiest weekend that i have ever experienced.

i've always had crappy weekends, but i never thought i'd experience the
mother of all bad weekends.

for starters, i set out to low yat on saturday to look for some electronics, see? earlier,
my little sister asked me to buy her a laptop so that she could do her assignments on 'em.
so, being thoughtful, i looked for budget laptops there.

i found one.

i bought it. after three hours of walking around, haggling a bit. my feet hurt.

afterwards, i headed straight for where she lived. i decided to surprise her. so i called her first.
i asked her is she still finishing the assignments.

she said she finished them and got no more for the rest of the semester.

in short, i ended up with a 2k laptop that i'll not use.

today, i'm supposed to go to my grandpa's get-together for his bday. it was scheduled at 8pm.

so i went out and bought a gift. and wore my best clothes. and as i went there, i made sure
that i made it early.

i did made it early. 7.56.

i found nobody there. only one of my relatives.

apparently, it was held at 4.30pm. nobody told me. i looked like an idiot.

to sum it up, i arrived 5 minutes early only to find out that i was 4 hours late.

and as i walked back to my car, it started raining.

i decided to get dinner from my favourite stall on the way home.

it was closed.

i ended up with dinner someplace else.

and as i'm writing this, a dvd in my laptop is malfunctioning.

could anyone experience a more horrific weekend? mail me. wish me luck in
opening my mail.

Monday, October 30

Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame
You say

One love
One life
When it's one need
In the night
One love
We get to share it
Leaves you baby if you
Don't care for it

Did I disappoint you?
Or leave a bad taste in your mouth?
You act like you never had love
And you want me to go without
Well it's

Too late
To drag the past out into the light
We're one, but we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other

Have you come here for forgiveness?
Have you come to raise the dead?
Have you come here to play Jesus?
To the lepers in your head

Did I ask too much?
More than a lot.
You gave me nothing,
Now it's all I got
We're one
But we're not the same
Well we
Hurt each other
Then we do it again
You say
Love is a temple
Love a higher law
Love is a temple
Love the higher law
You ask me to enter
But then you make me crawl
And I can't be holding on
To what you got
When all you got is hurt

One love
One blood
One life
You got to do what you should
One life
With each other
One life
But we're not the same
We get to
Carry each other
Carry each other




selamat aidil fitri. maaf lahir batin.
can y'all do me a favor? mail me
your addresses at
i want to send out greeting cards.


Monday, October 16

raya's coming. in a few weeks.

i got a 'light purple' baju melayu (oh,
the curse of the light-colored attire)

i always go dark when it comes to baju
melayu. it suits my personality..or the
other way round. some might argue that
the dark tint might make you look
thinner. i prefer to call it 'camouflage'.

this year i'm risking being seen, stood

i had no choice. i'm running out of
colors, you see.

last year, it was green (dark, of course).
before, it was dark red (merah tampuk
manggis). the predecessor was dark
chocolate. yum.


i had my share of weird colors.

silver. yuk.
pink. goddamm.
light magenta. i don't know what i's thought.
white. it's not so bad, but it was transparent.

i think this year i'll be comfortable
taking this calculated risk.

let's hope something good will come out
of this.

pray harder !!!!

Wednesday, October 11

it's been so long since i wrote something here.
i have been enjoying ramadan, actually.


not looking forward to syawal, though.


Friday, September 29

i just had food poisoning yesterday.
my gut felt like it had poison.


Wednesday, August 30

mai cek o mai cek mai
kita ke negeri kedah
mai oi bagi ramai
jamu nasi kawah

kedah sudahlah maju
tak lagi macam la dulu
rumah se-gheba baru
kenduri ada selalu

mengkala negeri kedah
singgahlah ke pekan rabu
beli cucur badak
toto tiga gulung

Monday, August 28

charles r cross wrote a biography on jimi hendrix, 'room full of mirrors'.

i am one of jimi's fans, so naturally i'd buy the book as a duck would
take to water.

i'm no fan of ducks.

i have to disclose, one of the facts that got me to actually go in depth
on the subject of jimi was how closely he resembled my pops. yup.
my pops was in uk for his engineering in the 1960s, and jimi was there

i'm as intrigued in jimi as i was with my pops. i never really got the chance
to know him really well.

anyways, i did finish 'room full of mirrors', after much procrastination.

and i have to conclude that it's a tragic story. right from the moment his
parents met, up until he choked on his own vomit,

in an apartment in london.

such is the debauchery of the rock stars.