Friday, March 18

i always take the lrt to work.

and sometimes it can be excruciatingly boring, and sometimes i'm ecstatic when i
enter. it's a volatile feeling, to be honest.

like or not, i have to admit, it's an effective means of transportation in kl.

i'd like to relate my journey to one of RHCP's song, 'Tearjerker'. when i first heard it,
i thought it was about a girl anthony kiedis had a crush on.

it turns out, after i read his biography, 'scar tissue', that the subject matter was
none other than kurt cobain. it made sense afterwards.

i always think of myself as a poet (a bad one, at least) and sometimes i'd tend to be
poetic (as poets do), but to be honest, it's not as beautiful as the listeners would
expect it to be.

so here's my attempt at chronicling my journey everyday to work.

it has no title yet, so i named it 'tits on the radio'. you heard me right.

tits on the radio

the sky's still dark
as i park my car in tmn jaya
i activate the alarm
and i raise the wiper blades

it's 7.26am as i buy the ticket
maybe i can catch the 7.32 train
or 7.34, or later
if i stop to buy some breakfast

it's gonna be a long journey
wether i like it or not
it's going to have ten stops
and 20 minutes travel time

sometimes it helps to sing a song in my mind
sometimes the odour shakes the bejesus out of me
i should be getting an ipod shuffle
but it's cheaper to stare at cute girls

they are cute, yes they are cute and perhaps
i should be calling them 'the cuteness'
but there's this cute benggali girl
who's as sorrow as can be

she's at CM stop, staring into nothingness
every morning 7.45am, mondays to fridays
it seemed the world around her doesn't exist
and she couldn't move, she's keeeping the posture

she's only one of the persons i keep track of
there's more of them, and it keeps adding
and there's this couple from UNIVERSITI stop
a tragic mismatch, if my opinion counted at all

she's a beauty, and he's a beast
perhaps i'm a bigger beast
it could help if i was not so shallow
but then, i'd still be selfish

the journey to work is fascinating
it's followed by the walk thru SURIA
at near 8am, you will see many things
by noon it gets much more

i look forward to getting back as
as i could stare and stare
a pervert stares, you might say
but we're all pervs deep inside, aren't we?

it's not staring, but merely watching
all of God's beautiful creatures
name it european chicks, malay chicks
anyone that catches my fancy

once i met this girl, wearing an indian dress
and had fair skin that boggled me
she's not your typical indian
so unique it made me smitten

i also met some sexy girls
sexy till the point of obscene
but i dare not elaborate here
for it would be very ungentlemanly

some i fancy, some i fantasize
some i thought about for some time
some i fell in love with on the way to and fro work
but i'm not prepared to be heartbroken by the time i leave the train

Wednesday, March 16

on the way to kenduri apek. jumpak apek dalam 5 minit saja. jadi la kan...orang sibuk.

Monday, March 14

sometimes, it's quite humiliating to be proved wrong, especially when you're positively sure that your
view is the correct and the only way to go a.k.a superiority complex.

sometimes, i have one of those i'm-always-right-and-that's-it syndrome. for example, i always thought that
possessing a decent look is critical in projecting an image of success.....that's me, folks, warts and all....
i still don't know why i believed in that. but now not anymore.

when i attended the 3-week course, there was this guy, and he was the embodiment of how wrong i was.
he doesn't have a decent face, and to honest, i have to inform you that his face was like 'pecah rumah'. he
has a large physique (ruggers) and his skin's dark.i initially thought he was so so. not until i got to know

he was a good geoscientist. he earns a fabulous amount of money each month (overseas assignment),
he's recently married (her wife was, bak kata serigala,"aroooooo"), and he's a hit with the ladies.damn.
how wrong i could be? he's good in co-curr activities, and he stayed in college until the final year.

overall, i think, he is a good person, and i no more want to judge a book by the covers. or judge the
handset by the housing...

la la la lawak......

Sunday, March 13

so much had happened in the past three weeks, i'd be lying if i were to sum it up in one
posting today. i'll take my time and open the floodgates in increment.

so, this coming monday, i'll be back in office. it's kind of strange to be out of office for so
long and actually come back to normal duties. it has been a different environment


i rarely find myself engrossed in one particular area for a long time. i have this habit of
getting bored quickly with things. they say einstein suffered the same malady.hmm...
i think it's the same with life, you see. i've been playing the guitar for, what, close to
10 years, and there's been some on and off period. i've played drums, listened to
other stuff than metal, and suffice to say, it's not my ears' forte. i still listen to other
stuff, but mostly strange, unique things. i try to steer my taste away from mainstream
music, but you know that's largely impossible, considering the music and cd sales
in this country 'ere.

the criteria of 'bore'-ing pretty much summed up everything i do in my life.anything i'd
want to make a decision on, i'd be including the boredom factor and evaluate if it'd be
feasible to further on. be it tv's, dvd's, games, girls. no offence to the opposite sex,
really. it's just my way of dealing with things.

to make long things short, and to not confuse myself and others, i'll conclude that i'm
actually a boring person.

Saturday, March 12

ta'ziah buat keluarga amer imran. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas ruh ibunya dan ditempatkan di kalangan beriman.

Thursday, March 10

wow, it's been three weeks since i left office.lama btoi !

i've been away for three weeks, attending a course. i was in kenyir for 10 days, rompin 1 day
and shah alam two weeks. lemau nak mampuih makan makanan hotel.

the course was terrific, i tell you. i had great food, which later deteriorated into plain bad food.
i gained 6kg....from 57to 63...shit. balik kena tahag skit la makan beb.

there was 30 participants from all over petronas opu...kebanyakan dah, apa2 yang depa majoriti aku akan bakal terpengaruh...contohnya semua orang dok kata..." ui, best wei kahwin...memang happy beb.." psycho beb, rasa nak kahwin la la tu jugak !!! tapi la dah okey la...he he he..

during the tenure of this course, i got to know all sorts of people, macam2 saiz dan rupa, kaler dan perangai...i even sort of 'jatuh hati' at some of the girls in the gila blog ni..

i shall not story further for this is forbidden territory...let's just say that i have a better understanding of the opposite sex from now on....