Thursday, September 30

kawan2 aku ada yang dah fly.rasa sedih, iri dan gembira pun ada.tapi redha la,
kejayaan kawan2 mcm kejayaan aku jugek.

tapi tadi aku mmg mendidih dengar cerita mamat satu sesi ceramah ngan aku.
dia scholar petronas, study US...kira senior aku jgk a
tua 3 tahun.

dia cerita time summer, dia layan backpacking kat europe sebulan.adventure
mmg sukar dilupakan.

peh mendidih gila.celaka economic crisis 1997.

pon, tunggu aku simpan duit woi! kita layan europe tahun depan!!!!!!!


Saturday, September 25

i'm now in kedah for the weekend. i'm gonna be back tomorrow.
it's nice to be here after working in kl.

it's true what they say, "absence makes the heart grew fonder". it makes you appreciate
your hometown. it's nice to see the three kittens in my household has grown up to be beautiful
cats. i miss my bed. my mom. everything.

especially the cheap cds and dvds here. you know what i found here? megadeth's latest album,
the streets' album and the hives' latest.

long live bandaraya alor setar, kedah darulaman.

Sunday, September 19

since dubai, this is my first time in a broadband cc. laju jugak no? serius mati akai nak surf apa plak.baru 10 mins.
i think this might be the last weekend i'm free. lepaih tu ada macam2 arrangements sampai weekends pun burn cam tu ja.

berita sedih: my car got into a rather unfortunate situation and now it's sporting a rather large dent.

pakcik ten-shen!!!!!

Sunday, September 5