Friday, July 30

the strangest thing happened yesterday.
i got offers from bcb, southern bank and bonuslink
to join as a member.

Wednesday, July 28

if you ever watch csi, you'd notice the catchy song at the beginning and the end. it's by 'the who'.
imagine, 30 years later, and their music is still relevant. that doesn't apply to the local music
scene. csi, csi miami, and the limp bizkit cover,'behind blue eyes', that's all by the same band.
i bought 2 cd's, the who and velvet revolvers...of course, the 'original-local-produced' versions.
he he.

i'm tired and out of ideas.

Tuesday, July 27

cuba habag mai sat, channel mana yang tak dak muka siti nurhaliza?
adeh, penat eden.

Sunday, July 11

wa la weh, lama jugak tak menaip untuk blog ni.

i've been sitting and staring at the monitor for the past two seconds because there's nothing
good to watch on tv (even astro). my sis's watching 'the o.c.', which, by my humble opinion,
is the worst drama acted out by the best looking thespians ever.basically, it's a piece of
dried up shit. tengok cat mengering lagi berfaedah.

it's the most attention this computer's got since, i don't know, six,seven weeks? work's pretty
hectic, resulting in my tiredness as soon as i reach home, and my lack of interest to write
anything for the last couple of weeks.but work's good. i like it when there's plenty to do and
less to think. i'm surprised by how much i was into structural designing. it's my main priority
right now, (although i'm not sure all the other priorities do exist), and work turned pretty well
for me. how do i find the right words...hmm.. ha. ok. i'll sum it up in four words:

kerja ni best aa.

it's a far departure from my days as a site engineer, running here and there..bla bla bla....
(you've heard this before). don't get me wrong, i still zip around, but not too much. only
on meetings, site visit, inspections, the whole nine yards.

i just lost my train of thought. maybe i'll continue later.

Wednesday, July 7

i just read about the columbine high school
massacre, and i've come to a conclusion:

american teenagers are unpredictable

Sunday, July 4

rasa macam nak pasang cdplayer dlm kereta.
memang layan a nanti pasang 'first it giveth'
sambil commute pi kerja....

i'm in you
you're in me
i can't tell......

Thursday, July 1

baru habis interview jkr 10am tadi.
they told me they're only hiring only
one engineer ( out of 20 today ).

hmm....he he he.