Sunday, March 30

my joy came to an abrupt ending.the dvd player won't play on my old tv.damn.
well, i guess i'll pack it and give it to any newlyweds.
so much for technology,huh?...goodbye, andrea.
it's kind of a blessing, though.i won't be staying up so late during weekdays
before: no life
now: no life + no dvd.....ain't life a bastard.

i heard on the 'net that there was a quasi-secret/rumour goin' on.ha ha.
i guess the 'big brother' is not so big now!
my my.......

Saturday, March 29

i'v finally decided to take the plunge and join in the crowd..bought me a dvd player.
it's strange how people have the need to buy a dvd player, when they already own
a vcd player....i guess i'm one of the suckers..anyway, it was worth every ringgit,
as i watched andrea corr singing with her siblings in high resolution on my was
like she performed live,man!, i'm kidding.

one of the songs on their set (MTV unplugged) caught my attention...'old town'.
the chorus goes:

this boy is cracking up
this boy has broken down
this boy is cracking up
this boy has broke down

i think (my interpretation, that is) that the song's about a boy who had his heart
crushed by a girl that he loved, and he tried hard to move on as he's still in love with her.

maybe it's about something else, something completely different.
maybe it's just me having the blues......

Thursday, March 27

they say the best thing in the world is happiness
they never said it'd be hard to find it

i got decent grades
and yet there's still something missing
i stayed away from all the madness
and yet there's still something missing
i ignored all the distractions
and yet there's still something missing
made it through without a scratch
and yet there's still something missing
now i'm well off
and yet there's still something missing
i could have anything i want
and yet there's still something missing
i thought i'd figure that missing thing out, but
would it still be missing?

could anybody figure me out?

Saturday, March 15

today,in skudai, johor, a large number of my friends are accepting their scrolls at UTM's
convocation.some of them i knew,some i knew well,most of them i regard as brothers/elders.
in particular, they're my housemates/brothers-in-perantauan/ the beginning,i didn't expect
14 persons possessing extreme personalities to live together in a cramped house.but we did it.
for three whole years.


when i looked back at those years,i laughed.hard.we went through stupid times,bitter,dark,
depressing,often was a miracle that we managed to stay fairly decent for that long!
man, even the toilet gave out in the first year!ha ha ha...we literally had to queue up
to take a was not pleasant to wait to crap...what else?there's the drug period,and then
the 'totally broke' period....who could forget the stolen motorcycles! dengue..yeah,and when the
thieves broke in..everyone were left penniless..and couldn't bear to borrow.*grin*... you're all engineers,earning 2k++ a worries now, man...just remember
2js4..all the times we had...we are mates..and always will be....i'm kicking myself for missing
you guys' graduation....congrats,fellows..

with all my heart...congratulations.

Tuesday, March 4

listen up, people! i need a few words of wisdom here....i don't know if it's the medication, or lack of sleep scrambled my brains..
i'm having second thoughts about the future here..
..should i keep working/further studies/loaf for a while/etc?

1 - stop working and pursue a masters' degree?
2 - keep on working and lead a dull life?
3 - stop working and take a while to figure out things (my shit)?
4 - (this is where you guys come in. insert your suggestions here)?

yeah...and by the way...salam ma'al hijrah...what's your hijrah?