Friday, January 31

Monday, January 27

::deman's wedding::

date: sunday, 26th January, 2003
venue: deman's village in kulim
time: all day and all of the night
present: syarmizar,sofian,fahmi,pijar,azrim,latif,firdaus mat som,sharizan,hafiz,
asrar and faizal...and others
verdict: great wedding, wonderful wife,cool whitewater rafting site add up to a
good impression of kulim.

Thursday, January 23

got up early
got a meeting
hours in a cold cabin,answering questions
tooth aches,gum bleeds
went out in the scorching sun
easy target for brain-numbing migraine
head pounding head pounding head pounding head pounding head pounding head pounding
still....i'm typing in front of the pc
need a rest

Wednesday, January 22

Friday, January 17

i can say,and i believe most of you out there would agree,that 23 years isn't that long.i mean,
it seems like just yesterday,i enrolled in UTM skudai.and now (about 5 seconds later) i'm
already working.ah,all those yesterdays.and,before we all knew it,we'd be in our 40s,having
our mid-life crises (ha).well,maybe most of us.i remembered my professor in FKA once said
(and i quote)"there are hardworkers and backbenchers in this class.the hardworkers would be
studying hard while the backbenchers make noises and woo girls.five years from now,all the
backbenchers will be the hardworkers' bosses.this is is not fair.
you'll have to accept this damn fact"

what more can i say.the most honest opinion coming from a (not so) honest person.ha.say
what you want,this statement is the truth.they will be our bosses.they will earn more money.
they are the ones who'd get less work done.i sound bitter,don't i?

i AM bitter.

Sunday, January 12

sunday.cuti,mcm biasa.not enough,actually.patut kerja 5 days a week saja.typical la construction
sector.nothing much to do on a weekday, and that's exactly what i intended to do.quite blissful,
actually.serene...went jogging (yikes!)at Taman Rimba petang tadi.lama siol tak jogging.did
about 2 rounds of warming up and tried a full round of really pancit at first but then
as i struggled to stay running, my mind wandered and i sort of thought of something else
(with my eyes on the track-lah, u crazy,what?)..u know what?i managed to run a full round!
(macam bagus je e?)..then i deduced that sometimes u don't have to 'put your mind into it'..
just do the exact opposite and wait to be surprised!
i sort of remembered the film 'matrix' where neo is fighting morpheus in the 'japanese room',
and neo is losing the battle.when the fight is midway and neo appears witless,morpheus comes
up to him and said,"do u think my being stronger in here has anything to do with my muscles? u think that's air you're breathing?"that particular scene suddenly caught my attention as
it suddenly made sense....why do u need air when you're in a computer program?
well, i'd probably go jogging again next week, God-Willing top all these schmageggi, here's a few jokes...

Joke #1
Why did the film 'glitter' (starring mariah carey) flopped?
they didn't include Dato' M Daud Kilau in it..............geddit?

i know,i's a bad joke..but the next one's even worse!

Did u know that the movie 'charlie's angels' was shot partially in kedah?
yup, it was shot in Tanjung Chali.............................................................geddit?

ha ha ha..friggin ha....

Wednesday, January 8

seriously......i miss my friends...all of 'em.

i hereby dedicate this song to them....'my friends' (RHCP)
i just found out something

kwasyiorkor <------------------nama penyakit paling kelakar dalam dunia

Monday, January 6

well..just bought the sophomore effort from audioslave...i couldn't believe artists with such great
histories could come up with the most terrible shit i've ever heard.maybe they've lost it...and
have yet to find it.

RATM..well,without zack,you're all should i phrase it.."AGAINST"..ha...and chris
cornell....the solo album was not too shouldn't have left soundgarden, and
thayil.........those were the good old days....
heard that billy corgan formed a it the reincarnation of rock?seriously, the single
"honestly" made radio worth listening again....although it's not Iha riffing. you can't have your
cake and eat it too.

soundgarden..smashing pumpkins..stone temple pilots.........incredible
scoin..spring..spoon...........................................................malas nak taip daa

Sunday, January 5

nothing much.....just waiting for tomorrow to start...

Saturday, January 4

dah skip 1 hari the thrill gone?..where's the fire......

if someone/anyone glanced at this blog,they'd notice that there're a few flaws here and there.
it'd took some time for me to fix them.actually, i like flaws/imperfections/et cetera.of all
features,flaws could reflect who you really are.what you chose to do/ not to do.or what you are
capable of.

can anyone point out the real reason?he he he..........

Wednesday, January 1

twenty-three years word 'old' really got into's funny though, being
among the earliest babies born....everyone reacted like it was something extra-ordinary

"ya ka?betui ni?semua orang celebrate no?"
"serius ni?"
"sugoii desyo ne" <------- i made this one up...he he he...

the thing i really remembered about my birthday is this story about my (late) father's attempt to
have me registered as a 1979 aunts told me the story about how my father pestered a
doctor to bump my birthdate up to 1979...he wasn't succesful.i'm glad he didn't get what he would be very uncool to be born on the 31st December(any year).

that's one fond memory i have of my father.

ok, let's stop all these sappy i was saying, if you're born on the 1st of January,people
will get excited and all that...but, if you're born on the 2nd of're
doesn't matter if the difference is only 24 hours(or less).it's like what they always say...
second place is the first loser.

one interesting fact.if you are heavily into Eastern mysticism, you would find out that those
religions believe that everybody is born one year old.

wokeh.kepada azman dan and (no pun intended) najib panjang, happy new year, happy
birthday.we are twenty-three, going on twenty-four......slowing down?